iG and Rogue Warriors bring Dota style to LoL in 1.5 kills/min game

The LPL has long been the bloodiest, most kill-intensive region in League of Legends, but not even the Chinese fans were prepared for what Invictus Gaming and Rogue Warriors had in store in their Sunday face-off. In just under 1 hour and 40 minutes, the two teams produced a whopping 136 kills across their three-game series, delivering some of the best League of Legends entertainment this season.

What was more shocking than the death toll, however, was that there was a third game to begin with. Invictus Gaming came into the series with a perfect 3-0 score, while Rogue Warriors sat on 1-2 — a team from which nobody expected anything good against the 2018 world champions. Instead, fans saw Rogue Warriors tie the series in game 2, by putting so much pressure on Kang “TheShy” Seung-lok that his Kennen finished 2/9/3. Rogue Warriors also took every single map objective and shut down iG across the board, hyping the viewers for an exciting game 3.

This is when all hell broke loose. The two teams exchanged a total of 58 kills in 38 minutes of playtime, averaging 1.52 kills per minute. In comparison, the kills per game average in the 2019 LPL Spring Split was 0.76, or two times lower.

The ending was as crazy as the rest of the game. IG’s attempts to destroy RW’s Nexus were unsuccessful on a number of times, but what they accomplished was bare the base of all static defenses. Once Rogue Warriors got out and made for Baron, iG’s bot lane sneaked behind them and ended the 58-kills game with a backdoor, not risking a 5v5 team fight, where a loss would mean the series.

Invictus Gaming finished the first week after the break with a perfect 4-0 loss and are in second place behind eStar (5-1). This week, iG are playing LGD Gaming and Top Esports to try and push their win streak to six.

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