10 Things We Wish We Knew Before Playing Gundam Evolution

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  • Consider The Map
  • Fill Gaps In Your Comp
  • Use Your Ultimates
  • Coordination Is Key
  • Work With Your Team
  • Don't Stagger Deaths
  • Use Your Dashes
  • Don't Jump
  • Look For Flanks
  • Try To Counterpick

Now available on PC, Gundam Evolution brings the legendary series and its wide variety of Mobile Suits to an Overwatch-esque 6v6 hero shooter format. With a ranked format already available, many players are already looking to step up their game and prove themselves the best of the best.

Gundam Evolution explains its basic systems well, but not everything will be immediately obvious to a new player. Whether that be how to effectively work with your team or how to consider which Mobile Suit you're going to pilot, this list will help you get your Gundam Evolution journey started on the right foot.

Consider The Map

The map you're playing on is easily one of the most important factors to consider when picking a Mobile Suit. Each will excel in different situations. For example, the GM Sniper 2 excels on wide-open maps, allowing it to effectively cover choke points without fearing retaliation.

On the other hand, the ranged Zaku 2 loves indoor maps with multiple entry points, allowing it easy flank opportunities. Picking either of these Mobile Suits on a map they're not suited for can make it very difficult for you to get an advantage, so make sure you're taking the map into consideration when picking.

Fill Gaps In Your Comp

While Gundam Evolution doesn't have a strict class dichotomy, each Mobile Suit tends to excel at different tasks. The Sazabi is effectively a tank, drawing enemy fire with its durable shield and devastating shotgun, while the Turn A Gundam's beam rifle and throw make it a great mid-range combatant.

Recognizing the gaps in your team and picking to fill them is always a winning strategy. If your team has a beefy tank or two already in play, you should probably pick somebody that can capitalize on them drawing aggro. Similarly, if you're filled with squishy damage dealers, getting some of the fire off of them is key.

Use Your Ultimates

It doesn't need to be said that you should be using your G-Maneuver, powerful ultimate abilities that charge up over the course of a match. A common mistake new players make, though, is holding onto their G-Maneuvers for far too long. They tend to save them for the best possible scenario, which may never come.

Every G-Maneuver has different applications, but ultimately, using them in sub-par situations is better than holding onto them for the entire match. Even throwing them out in one-on-one confrontations isn't a bad idea, as you'll be able to create a numbers advantage for your team without risking your own life.

Coordination Is Key

There's no faster way to lose a Gundam Evolution match than to constantly run in by yourself without your team backing you up. Thankfully, the game includes a handy ping system that you can use to communicate with your team on the fly. You can ping enemies to mark them or ping objectives to signal that you want to attack.

Effective coordination allows your team to work together, prioritize objectives, and take down high-priority threats. It will always lead to better results than trying to accomplish everything by yourself. Gundam Evolution even has built-in voice chat, letting you coordinate more complex strategies on the fly.

Work With Your Team

With a competitive game, it's tempting to pursue the "right" course of action in every situation. Ultimately, though, doing the right strategy alone is always inferior to doing the wrong strategy alongside your teammates. Of course, it's all the easier if you bring along some friends.

Even if it's frustrating to follow your team into a situation you think is subpar, there's always strength in numbers. While some Mobile Suits can justify running off and doing their own thing, like flankers, you should consider what your team is doing before you rush in. A coordinated assault will always beat out a lone wolf trying to accomplish everything.

Don't Stagger Deaths

Overwatch players should be familiar with the concept of staggering; when your teammates respawn, rush back into the fight, and almost immediately die because they don't have any backup. Avoid this at all costs. You should never rush in when most of your team has been destroyed.

The solution is really simple. When you see that your teammates are dead or still getting to the objective, just wait for them. You might lose out on some time, but you'll lose even more if you go in guns blazing and get destroyed immediately. You should always confront the enemy with the maximum amount of teammates you can.

Use Your Dashes

Gundam Evolution has a unique mobility system where every Mobile Suit has a limited thruster gauge. You can hold the thruster button for a prolonged sprint, but you can also tap it for a short-range dash. Effective management of your thruster gauge and usage of your dashes is vital. They're your best repositioning tool and a big part of what makes Evolution so fun.

Remember that not all dashes are created equal as well. Zaku 2, for example, has three excellent dashes it can use in a row, whereas other Mobile Suits might just have one mediocre one. Consider this both when playing as and against them.

Don't Jump

This is a counterintuitive one, as you're probably used to jumping around in shooters. Still, jumping should only be used to get between platforms, never in a firefight. Almost every Mobile Suit suffers a massive accuracy loss while in the air, and you'll find yourself never being able to hit your target.

Even weapons that tout zero accuracy loss, like the GM's pistol, will go massively out of their crosshair range if you're in the air. When evading shots in a firefight, you should always rely on your dashes, never your jump.

Look For Flanks

One common mistake you'll see and likely make is rushing into the same choke points over and over and getting destroyed every time. It's easy for the enemy to hold down when spotting when you're solely using one entry point.

Every map in the game has multiple points of entry to every objective, so it's crucial that you actually use them. Utilizing flanks will allow you to divide the forces and attention of the enemies, making entry all the easier for your teammates. Just be mindful if they've seen you enter the flank; they might be ready for you when you emerge.

Try To Counterpick

While Gundam Evolution doesn't have strict counters, you'll find many Mobile Suits excel against different opponents. You can switch your current Mobile Suit whenever you wish at the spawn point. Keep in mind, though, that you'll lose all of your G-Maneuver charges and you'll need to grind to use certain Mobile Suits.

The long-ranged GM Sniper II will easily take out mid-range targets, but suffer against fast close-ranged flankers, who will in turn find it difficult to evade the Guntank's autoaim. Picking the right Mobile Suit is almost like a game of rock-paper-scissors, so be sure to inspect the enemy team's composition.

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