13 Games For MMO Fans That Aren’t MMOs

An MMO (massively multiplayer online game) or an MMORPG (massively multiplayer online roleplaying game) is a game that allows its players to exist in the same world as thousands of other people, all enjoying the experience at their own pace. Guild Wars 2, World of Warcraft, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Lord Of The Rings Online, and MapleStory are all examples of MMOs.

MMO gamers are known for putting hundreds or thousands of hours into these titles. Reaching the finale and participating in end-game content tends to require a lot of dedication and hard work, which is egged on by other players. After all of those hours poured into a single game, who could blame them for feeling burnt out? These games can scratch that MMO itch without requiring nearly so much of your time.

13 Cross Code

Cross Code is an action RPG from 2015. It's an indie title, developed by Radical Fish Games. Despite being single-player, Cross Code is set in an MMO-style world. MMO players are likely to enjoy it for the well-constructed atmosphere and excellent sense of humor.

People who are looking for a break from the complicated combat of their MMO will enjoy Cross Code's puzzle-based gameplay for a new kind of challenge. The game is available on PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PC.

12 Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley is a simulation RPG that first launched in 2016. The game has no proper ending (just like a good MMO); the developers often release free updates that add even more content.

MMO players will find something familiar in this game by choosing their area of interest: do they want to fight? farm? cook? However, an MMO usually requires you to fight in some capacity, while Stardew Valley doesn't force anyone out of their area of interest very much at all. It can also be multiplayer, like an MMO, but Stardew Valley is collaborative, not PvP.

11 Stellaris

Stellaris is a science-fiction-themed grand strategy game for the PlayStation, Xbox, or PC. Players work to expand their galactic empire and compete with other species in the galaxy (either AIs or other players) for resources, space, military control, and more.

Unlike other strategy games, Stellaris uses roleplaying aspects in its gameplay; each empire has a particular code of ethics that governs how they interact with other species and vice versa. There's no reason to worry that the game's community is dead, either; it came out in 2016 but has had consistent expansions (like Stellaris: Federations).

10 Monster Hunter: World

Monster Hunter: World is an action RPG for Playstation, Xbox, and PC. It's exactly what it sounds like: players hunt monsters in return for loot. Hunters can work alone or in groups of up to four people, so the screen isn't as full as MMO players might be used to.

However, the gameplay loop (of killing enemies, find or crafting better equipment, and going to kill harder enemies) is sure to scratch that MMO itch. The creatures that hunters track are extraordinary, the places they travel are beautiful, and the rewards they receive are bountiful.

9 Diablo 3

Diablo 3 has been out since 2012 and another installment is coming up, so it's the perfect time to give this franchise a try. It's described as a "hack-and-slash" action RPG, and for good reason. You take on demons and monsters in order to protect human society.

MMO players should find Diablo 3 familiar for its long dungeon-crawling and third-person perspective on the battlefield. It is made by Blizzard, after all, who owns the most famous MMORPG of all time (World of Warcraft).

8 Assassin's Creed: Odyssey

Assassin's Creed: Odyssey is a recent entry into Ubisoft's famous series, alongside Assassin's Creed: Valhalla and Assassin's Creed: Origins (both of which are excellent alternatives). It's an action RPG game that was released in 2018.

Since then, it's gotten several DLCs and a dedicated fanbase. MMO players will find Odyssey's completionist aspect to be familiar – there are tons of quests, many of which include interesting and funny characters, to take on as you journey throughout ancient Greece.

7 Valheim

Valheim is a Viking-themed open-world survival game that's available in early access on PC through Steam. The goal is to survive in a procedurally generated environment long enough to defeat 5 bosses (based on creatures from Norse mythology).

For MMO players, Valheim will offer something familiar and something new all wrapped up in one package. You can play on your own, or with up to 10 others. You gather resources and fight vicious beasts, but also spend your time building elaborate bases. You gain buffs based on the food you eat and preparation is key for the battles.

6 Borderlands 3

Like Monster Hunter: World, the Borderlands franchise is good for MMO fans because of its gameplay loop: kill enemy, get gear, kill a bigger enemy, repeat. Borderlands 3 is the newest installment of this self-described "shooter-looter" series (though it's officially considered a first-person action RPG).

Fans rave in particular about the varied nature of this game, with plenty of special items to keep the player interested. It can be played solo or co-op, even though many gamers consider co-op as the optimal way to go.

5 Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together is another survival game that challenges players to stay alive and take on challenges in a large game world. You play as one of several pre-designed characters with unique skills (or hindrances) for survival, then go around gathering all the resources necessary.

There are lots of possible ways you can choose to survive in the game depending on your preferred play style. For food, some may prefer to garden, while others will choose to hunt. At night, when monsters attack, one person may bunker up in a fort, while another may choose to defend themselves – or just run away.

4 Sea of Thieves

Sea of Thieves is a multiplayer first-person action-adventure game (say that five times fast) that works hard to give its players the full pirate experience. MMO players who enjoy PvP will find themselves happily sailing the seven seas in no time.

As a player, you have one goal: get loot. A number of ships (who may be manned by 1 or more players) exist in the same area at the same time, so watch out for other pirates once you have a lot of cargo (or start boarding their ships). Sea of Thieves is developed by Rare and has received a bunch of new content recently, so it's definitely worth a trial run.

3 Dragon Age: Inquisition

Dragon Age: Inquisition is the latest in BioWare's fantasy RPG series. It's often been called a "single-player MMO," given the number of similarities. The main character must travel to expansive, diverse areas, craft their weapons and gear, and choose from among a set of varied classes and combat styles.

In some ways, Dragon Age: Inquisition can feel too much like an MMO (with a lot of fetch quests offered to the player) but your experience is entirely customizable. Choose the quests that interest you! Don't bother with the things that don't. This skill is one MMO players are often experts at.

2 Breath of the Wild

If you've been a long-time gamer, you probably know about Breath of the Wild – it's hard to avoid the hype, even if you don't own a Nintendo Switch. To be fair, though, that hype is for good reason. This game is a gorgeous open-world action-adventure experience that is unlike anything else on the market.

Breath of the Wild is great as a break from MMOs because there are zero expectations on your daily activities. The various bosses and big challenges are just out in the world, ready for you when you arrive, in whatever order you choose to do them. Hell, you can go fight the main opponent right after finishing the tutorial, if you want.

1 Horizon Zero Dawn

Horizon Zero Dawn is for all the MMO players looking for a game that's fun to explore. It's an action RPG with a story so good that it won the Writers' Guild of America Award for Achievement In Video Game Writing.

Like many MMOs, Horizon Zero Dawn's environment is lush and foreign, making it a true delight to explore and providing plenty to see and do even after a player has finished the story. While it might be a little calmer than the open world in your average MMO, Horizon Zero Dawn isn't easy, either – the animal-like machines that wander the wilds are not afraid to take out a threat.

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