5 Expert Reasons to Invest In A Portable EV Charger – Oceanup.com

Are you one of the many Australians who are considering the switch to an electric vehicle? In addition to being a sustainable option, electric vehicles (EVs) are also economical and easy to maintain.

Despite the many benefits associated with current EVs, many people are still hesitant because of the scepticism surrounding the ease of keeping the vehicle charged. Fortunately, investing in a portable EV charger is a quick solution to ensure you can keep your vehicle charged, no matter the distance you’re travelling.

What is a Portable EV Charger?

For many people, the biggest drawback of an electric vehicle is the hassle of keeping it charged. While it’s true that Australia has about 3,000 public charging stations, this may not be enough to sustain a surge in EV interest.

With that in mind, EV manufacturers are recommending that EV users consider adding home EV charging stations and also invest in a portable charger. Essentially, portable chargers or mobile chargers as they’re sometimes called, enable EV users to charge their vehicles away from the designated charging stations.

Portable chargers typically include the following:

  • Charging unit – usually a Type 2 charger
  • Power cord – usually a Type 2 charging cable
  • Relevant connectors that work with your particular EV model

How Do Portable EV Chargers Work?

For portable EV chargers to work effectively, they need to be plugged into normal electrical outlets or similar power sources. Once the charger is fully charged, it can be placed in the boot of your car and used when needed.

Having the relevant charger for your EV gives users the peace of mind that they can charge their vehicle whenever they need to. This is especially excellent for instances where users are travelling unusually far distances or passing through remote areas that currently don’t offer charging stations.

Portable Chargers – A Must-Have For Every EV Owner

Being able to go where you want, when you want, is the number one reason why people have invested in traditional petrol and diesel vehicles. While most people want to reduce their individual carbon footprint, they aren’t too keen on the thought of getting stranded because their car is…flat!

It hardly seems like a good trade-off if you travel a lot. Fortunately, portable chargers make it easy for you to maintain your travelling habits without the stress of suddenly becoming immobile. Let’s take a look at the top reasons to include a portable charger with your EV purchase.

1. Your Charger Goes Where You Go

There was a time, not too long ago when the thought of carrying a charging device around with your mobile phone seemed like a huge inconvenience. Now, phone chargers are a staple in just about every car, handbag and backpack.

Portable EV chargers can easily travel in the boot of the car, making them available when you need them. Similar to a spare tyre. Knowing that you have a portable charger on hand means you can charge your EV whenever it’s necessary.

2. Portable Chargers are Cost-Effective

An impressive draw card of portable chargers is that they can charge using any standard wall outlet. Unlike home charging stations, the portable options don’t have to be hardwired into your home’s electrical supply.

Since they’re easy to install – you literally just plug them in – you won’t need a technician to perform a special installation.

3. EV Portable Chargers are Compact

Another plus point about EV portable chargers is that they are compact and lightweight. We’ve already mentioned that they easily fit into the boot of your EV. But did you know that they also don’t take up a lot of space? In fact, you’ll still have enough space for luggage, groceries and your golf clubs.

4. Avoid Being Towed

EVs can usually do a distance between 100 and 300 miles on a full charge. This range is enough for most Australian users to drive around for several days before needing a charge. While this may seem adequate, the reality is that it takes one long-distance trip to leave you stranded and in need of a tow truck.

EV dealers recommend that you calculate the average distance you’re going to drive and check possible charging stations on your route. However, a single detour or one non-working charging station can jeopardise your whole charging plan, in which case you’ll be glad you had a backup plan.

5. Public Charging Stations Aren’t Always Free

An aspect that many EV users learn the hard way is that not all public charging stations are free. If you’re only going to rely on these stations to keep your car charged, you may end up paying more for electricity than you budgeted for.

You may also find that the charging stations in your area are always busy or aren’t fast charging types. This will require additional time spent at the station which will delay your travel plans and disrupt your schedule.

But having your own charge solution makes you less reliant on these resources!

Final Thought

For many new EV owners, investing in a portable charger is a no-brainer. Still, not travelling a lot or living near a public charging station may make you think you don’t need one. But is the risk of getting stranded worth the risk?

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