Animal Crossing: New Horizons glitch turns islands into nudist colonies

What is quite possibly Animal Crossing: New Horizon’s strangest bug yet is causing villagers’ clothes to disappear.

It’s no stranger to the odd bug or glitches, but Animal Crossing: New Horizons’ have mostly been harmless, like being able to sit in pools and baths. But while the latest example also doesn’t seem to be game-breaking, it’s certainly raising a lot of eyebrows.

Simply put, this glitch can take away the island residents’ clothes, effectively creating a community of nudists. Considering this is a family friendly game populated with cartoon animals, there’s obviously nothing indecent about it (in fact, K.K. Slider is technically naked all the time), but it is certainly bizarre considering the characters are usually fully clothed.

It remains unclear exactly what causes it but apparently the rare bug has been present since the Happy Home Paradise DLC launched last month. What’s more, it’s only limited to the DLC’s café area, so no need to worry about it spreading to your main island.

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