Ask Us Anything: Submit Your Questions For Our Next Issue

In each issue, Game Informer prints questions that are submitted by readers via email and standard mail. We’d like to give our website readers the chance to make the magazine as well.

You’ll need to log in to your GI account and click “okay to print” for your letter or question to go through. We’d also love it if you included your location (city, state, or country will do). We’ll look through the questions and pick a few to include in our next issue, which releases on May 16.

For each issue, we ask our community a question for our SoundOff section. This time around, we want to know…

“What was the most excited you have ever been for a game to come out?”

You can answer this question and/or include any other feedback/questions you want. Thank you again for your support throughout the years, and we hope many of you get the chance to have your letter printed in an upcoming issue!

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