Bandai Namco Is Open To More Tales Remasters

The upcoming remastered release of Tales of Symphonia has got the Tales series back on everyone’s mind. The series of JRPGs has been around for over two decades and is still a favorite for many. However, with the age of the series and a gaming landscape that often leans towards newer ideas rather than nostalgia, how long does Bandai Namco plan to keep the Tales games relevant? Well, it turns out it is kind of up to us.

According to Nintendo Life, an FAQ on the official Bandai Namco website has the developer looking towards the fans for what to do next when it comes to the Tales series. Specifically, under the question “Will there be more remasters or remakes of the Tales series?”, the publisher had this to say:

“We hear from a lot of passionate fans of the series around the world that they want to play old Tales games on the latest platforms. We as a team thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts. We are currently focused on the release of Tales of Symphonia Remastered, but we await your suggestions and requests in the future."

So, it sounds like if you want to see more of these JRPG remasters, you need to let Bandai Namco know somehow. I think your safest bet is a shout on social media or just purchasing the game to show a continued interest in the series. No matter how you do it, if you want the Tales series to be remastered, make sure you are letting people know!

Speaking of the remasters, Tales of Symphonia originally debuted back in 2003 for the Nintendo GameCube. The remastered version, simply called Tales of Symphonia Remastered, is coming out for the Nintendo Switch next month, February 17 to be exact. It brings enhanced graphics, improved gameplay, and a local cooperative mode to the classic title. You can also purchase a limited physical edition of the game with a bunch of extra goodies.

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