Battlefield 2042 Changes Aim To Make The Game Less Of A "Walking Simulator"

This time last year Battlefield 2042 felt like it was going to be a very big deal when it launched at the end of 2021, even a potential contender to Call of Duty. Yes, the reveal that the game would not include a campaign nor a battle royale mode was a little worrying, but its massive and elaborate maps and modes had Battlefield fans hopeful last year would be a big one for the series. Alas, it was not.

As was the case for pretty much every major game launch last November, Battlefield 2042 was riddled with problems upon arrival. Worst of all, DICE has done very little to try and fix the game and keep people playing. Finally, the studio appears to be ready to make some changes, and it has detailed a number of them in a lengthy blog post that was published earlier today.

Almost all the changes detailed in the post pertain to making the maps a lot more playable. The reveal that maps on PS5 and Xbox Series X would be capable of housing 128 players at a time was one of the more exciting pieces of news on the surface prior to launch. However, the sheer size needed to incorporate those numbers has had some players describing the newest game in the Battlefield series as more of a walking simulator than an action game.

DICE will attempt to remedy that by moving the positions of Base Spawns and Flags. The post also notes the chaotic nature of the game's combat, and the hope that tweaks to the game will fix that and make maps much more compartmentalized. Line of sight issues have also been addressed. The game's maps are somewhat flat, allowing snipers and rivals sporting heavy artillery to pick you off from a massive distance with little-to-no warning.

Additional cover will be added to maps to further help with this problem, and there will also be clearer paths to objectives moving forward. The only bad news is the long-awaited scoreboard update has been delayed another week. As has been demonstrated multiple times in the past, saving a game, especially one that is played almost exclusively online, from a launch as bad as Battlefield 2042's can be very hard to do. At least DICE is trying, and it will hope it can get the game's numbers higher than Battlefield 5's which are currently way up on 2042 on Steam.

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