Blanc: How To Help The Wolf Cub And The Deer

Quick Links

  • Meeting The Wolf Cub And The Deer
  • How To Help The Wolf Cub Across The Wind Section
  • The Final Section

You’re now towards the end of your journey in Blanc, and the wolf cub and the deer have grown closer together as friends. In Chapter 10, the final chapter of the game, you’ll meet another wolf cub and deer — your younger siblings.

In the last part of your travels, you’ll need to work together to get yourselves and your siblings safely back to your families. Just like in the previous chapters, you’ll need to see how the environment can help you, and how you can help each other. If you get stuck at any point, don’t worry — here’s how to help the wolf cub and the deer all the way to the end.

Meeting The Wolf Cub And The Deer

At the beginning of Chapter 10, walk a few paces, then slide down the slope the rest of the way. At the bottom, you’ll spot two familiar faces: a wolf cub and a deer who look just like you. They’re your lost siblings, and you must help them find their way.

Just like the goats from Chapters 7 and 8, they’ll mimic your movements. The other wolf cub copies your wolf cub, and the other deer copies your deer.

Jump across the two pillars and cross the pipe. Walk across until you reach a platform and have your deer kneel down to allow the wolf cub to jump up. The deer and wolf cub on the opposite side will copy these movements, allowing them to progress forwards too.

The other wolf cub might get stuck here. Make sure to watch their movements to ensure it leaps up and onto the other side.

Continue along the pipe here, and you’ll reach a flat area with some crates about halfway across. Look over to the other side, and you’ll notice the other wolf cub and deer can’t progress unless they jump up another level.

Go to the side of the two crates stacked on top of each other (the one closest to you as you approach), and have the deer kneel in front of it. As the wolf cub, jump on the deer and onto the crate. Again, make sure the other deer and wolf cub have correctly copied your movements. They should safely make it up to the next level.

The other wolf cub and deer will now be in a section blocked by a door. Head up to them, and have the deer push the door while the wolf cub pulls. It will open, allowing the other two animals to join you.

Walk together up the slope, looping back on yourself to go up the hill. Keep going past the deer behind the fence, then jump down to the vents. Continue walking along, jumping whenever necessary.

At the end of the pipe, kneel to let the other deer jump up and join the other deer. It’s now safe with its family.

To the left, there are some rocks. Jump across these until you reach more pipes. Both wolf cubs will need help to make the jump here — make the deer kneel down so they can progress.

When walking across the pipes, a cutscene will trigger where the pipe breaks and the younger wolf cub falls below. The wolf you control will go to see if it’s okay. Luckily, it seems unharmed, but it will need your help to keep going as the path is blocked.

If you’re playing as the wolf, head back to where the deer is waiting. Continue past the deer, and you’ll see a mechanism connected to the blockage below. Pull the rope from the far end, and it will lift the blockage away, letting the other wolf cub pass.

As the deer, head over to the ledge with railings behind you. Push the railing towards the back of the area to create an opening and jump down to the pipe below, then continue across to the roof behind you. There will be a barrel here — push it onto the ground below where the other wolf cub is.

As the wolf cub, head towards the edge of the roof, jumping on the pipe, and the other wolf cub will copy you. It will walk towards the barrel the deer just pushed off, climb on it, and then jump onto the ledge and out of the area.

How To Help The Wolf Cub Across The Wind Section

In this new section, the wind blows strongly, preventing the young wolf cub from walking through.

Walking further in, you’ll see a door that separates the two playable animals. Have both the wolf cub and deer head towards the door (you’ll be on opposite sides). Once more, you’ll need to use the animals’ bodies to shield the young wolf cub from the wind.

As the wolf cub, head to the start of the section, where the younger cub first begins walking towards the exit. Just like you did with the geese, walk along with the wolf cub to make sure it stays within your protection. If you’re playing as the deer, be ready by the door, waiting for the wolf cub to come to you.

Protect it from the wind once again, and it will exit the area, joining the deer.

The Final Section

If you’re playing as the wolf, you’ll need to walk back out and head left, walking up and past where the door is. You’ll see a barrel at the end. Jump on this and then onto the roof.

Continue jumping across the roofs, and you’ll come across a storage shed filled with barrels. Some are held up by ropes.

Jump across the first few barrels, then onto the fencing. There’s some rope for you to cut here. Cut it and the barrels will fall, sending one to the floor.

Playing as the deer, you’ll need to head where the barrel falls. Push it up against the wall. The wolf cub will follow you, so jump onto the barrel, and then kneel down to allow it to jump onto the area above. Follow it there.

Back as the wolf, you’ll see a door ahead, but you can’t open it. Instead, jump onto the vent on the outside wall, and jump up onto the other vents that continue along the wall until you reach a dead end, on top of the fan.

As the deer, continue walking and jump on the nearby pipe, and then onto the vent to make your way onto the platform through the gap in the railings.

Once up into this area, jump onto the pipe on the left. The younger wolf cub needs help again, so have the deer kneel on here, under where the older wolf cub is waiting. It’ll jump up and climb through it, reuniting with the wolf cub on the other side.

Their mother appears above them. As the wolf cub, jump up to meet her.

You’ll be back playing as the deer again, so head to the door in the middle of this area. Push it open and walk through. You’re blocked by a door you can’t open, but there’s a zip-line carriage behind it.

Above you, your wolf cub friend is back and ready to help. Look to the right, and you’ll see a box you can climb on. Jump up here, jump again, and then onto the zip-line carriage.

As the wolf, jump up and pull on the rope a few times, causing the carriage to move with the deer inside it.

Once the deer reaches the other side, it will meet with the other deer. The wolf cub and the deer are both reunited with their families again.

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