Cult Of The Lamb Is Telling Players To Build Food Containers That Don’t Exist

If you've played Cult of the Lamb, you'll no doubt know the plight of hunger. You can whip up a ritual to get your followers to fast; otherwise, you'll have to cook up a batch of meals. But they spoil and you're left with a stinky mess to clean up – only, some players are being told to build a Food Container to avoid this. Sounds handy, but it doesn't exist.

It looks like Food Containers are a cut concept or item that didn't make it to launch because, looking at the build tree, there's no such item. As the name suggests, it would've let you put food away, extending its shelf life. It's unclear if we'd have to open it manually or if followers could rummage around for food in our absence, but it would be a handy little utility for those who don't force their flock to feast. Or if Holy Fast is on cooldown.

"I can't leave a long crusade because my cultists eventually begin to stave mid-run," A_Simple_Bard posted on Reddit. "I leave a pile of cooked meals but they mostly end up spoiling before the cultists get to them. I get a notification that to prevent food from spoiling, build a food container. I can't find any info on how to do that. Could someone share if they have unlocked this item?"

They weren't the only ones being told to build something that doesn't exist.

It might not exist but plenty of players are calling on Massive Monster to bring the idea back, adding another option for feeding your flock when you're away on a long crusade. Or if you're out gambling. Maybe you could even build a little kitchen area with a wall of fridges, like a beer garden for the faithful.

As the comments suggest, there are plenty of others who have run into this tutorial prompt, with nobody being able to actually follow its advice. Maybe we'll see it show up in one of the updates or DLCs, but, for now, get a broom handy and sweep up the spoiled goods.

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