Elden Ring classes: What is the best class in Elden Ring?

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Elden Ring is a vast, daunting open-world full of challenges and hard-as-nails bosses that may make you want to snap your controller in half. But one of the biggest challenges early on will greet players as soon as the begin their campaign, with gamers having to build their own character and choose a starting class from 10 different classes on offer. There is a wide-variety of starting classes available to choose from in Elden Ring with each one bringing with it unique advantages.

The choice between all the different classes may be overwhelming, and you may need a helping hand trying to figure out what is the best class in Elden Ring for your own playstyle.

Well, if you fall into that camp then Express.co.uk is here to help! We’ve got details below that will help you on your way to getting your Elden Ring campaign off on the right note.


What is the best class in Elden Ring for most gamers will be subjective, and will hang on each individual’s own preferred playing style.

Even if you choose a class that doesn’t suit you at the beginning you can choose to upgrade stats in areas you didn’t think would be important (such as Faith and Intelligence for Magic) if you realise you want to tweak your playing style further down the line.

You’ll also get an opportunity later on in the game to re-spec and reset your character’s stats but you’ll need to find a rare item to do so.

While you will get this opportunity to tweak your build, as well as of course being able to buff up stat areas that were low to begin with, to help you avoid any regret further down the line it’s a good idea to ask yourself from the very off how you plan on playing Elden Ring.

Do you think your playing style will mainly revolve around physical attacks, since you’re happy getting up close and personal with the many powerful foes you’ll come across in the Lands Between?

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Or do you think a playing style where your damage is dealt via magic attacks, which will help you keep a distance between you and your enemy, is more up your street?

This is the crucial factor you need to consider when choosing a class.

If you’re thinking that you’ll mainly be dishing out physical attacks then the Vagabond is a great class to start with.

The Vagabond’s highest starting stats are Vigor (15), Strength (14) and Dexterity (13) which is an ideal starting point if you’re looking to use weapons as your main way of attacking enemies.

You’ll get some pretty hefty armour to begin with too along with a heater shield, longsword and halberd.

If you choose the Vagabond and find your character isn’t too nimble when you’re trying to dodge enemy attacks then making sure your halberd isn’t equipped can help.

For those more interested in the arts of magic, then it will be a choice between the Astrologer or Prophet classes.

The Astrologer is ideal for those that want to be offensive with their magic, thanks to high Intelligence (16) and Mind (12) starting stats.

If you’re more interested in defensive and healing spells, then the Prophet class will be the one for you thanks to its hefty starting Faith level (16).

For players that like the flexibility to build their character as they go along, a good choice then in terms of customisation is the Wretch.

The Wretch is undoubtedly the most difficult class to start with, as you’ll only begin your journey in the Lands Between armed with a club and…that’s about it.

But while your character comes with hardly any equipment, all stats begin at 10 – which helps give you the flexibility to build your character to your own liking as you progress and learn more about the type of playstyle you like best.

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