Elden Ring Now Has A Pause Button Thanks To Modders

You're laying into Margit the Fell Omen, perfectly dodging each swoop of their staff, sliding underneath as you slice their backside with your longsword. Their health is whittling away – you're in the zone. Leaning forward, holding your breath, clutching that win, and then the doorbell goes. You can't pause. You're dead. But fans have fixed that by modding in a pause button.

Souls games have never had pause buttons – not even in offline mode. But Sekiro added one. Granted, it was due to its lack of online, but Elden Ring changed the way matchmaking works, so players have been baffled by its step back to no pause button.

But if you're on PC, TechieW has you covered. Simply titled 'Pause the Game', this mod lets you take a breather by pressing P. It isn't as easy as downloading a zip file and dropping it into Elden Ring's .exe path folder, though. You have to disable the games' anti-cheat. You can read how to do that and download the mod here.

The pause button isn't infallible. When you unpause, the game will "fast-forward" a little, so if you pause when a boss is mid-attack, that strike will come down and leave you little room for dodging. If any.

You're better using the pause button when you're out travelling to avoid leaving your character in a field, waiting for a skeleton to pass by with a greatsword and a bone to pick. Bosses usually have a Stake of Marika or grace right beside them, so dying isn't too big a deal – you can try again without having to run a gauntlet of enemies like in the past games.

A pause button isn't the only thing Elden Ring modders are hard at work on, either. Others are putting together lighting overhauls to give the game a bit more oomph visually, something we see with pretty much every triple-A release these days. One of the more popular ones is called "Antidepressant" which claims that the game is depressed and in need of an uplift.

​​​​​​​If you're on PC, you can toy about with these to give your game an original touch, but be careful of getting softbanned. You never know with Souls.

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