Fallout 4 Becomes A Silent Hill-Esque Horror Game Thanks To New Mod

It may be the end of Halloween, but if you're like me then its spooky season all year round. Despite being known for their RPGs, Bethesda does delve into horror every now and again in its titles – Fallout 4's Pickman Gallery and Nuka World's Grandchester Mystery Mansion are two perfect examples of that. Well, now you can make those locations even spookier, as a new mod lets you transform the entirety of Fallout 4 and its DLCs into one massive, Silent Hill-esque horror game.

The mod can be found on Nexus Mods (thanks PCGamesN) and is called Pilgrim: Dread The Commonwealth Remastered. The mod's creator, TreyM, uploaded a similar mod a while ago but took it down to remaster it and update it to accomodate the game's DLC. With it downloaded, the Commonwealth will be transformed and given a much spookier and oppressive atmosphere than in the vanilla game.

Instead of the fairly drab weather you're used to, the Commonwealth is covered in a thick fog that's difficult to see in clearly. Other weather effects such as pouring rain, wind rushing through the trees, and pitch black nights makes all add to that creepy vibe the mod is going for. It's not the biggest or most in-depth mod in the world, but it is pretty impressive to see how some well implemented weather mods can change the feel of a game.

If you're still upset about the end of the spooky season and aren't quite ready to let it go just yet, this could definitely give your next playthrough a bit more of an edge. Better yet, TreyM also recently uploaded a trailer for the mod to their YouTube channel which you can find embedded above.

Hopefully, this mod will provide a new enough experience to satisfy all you Fallout fans, at least until Amazon gives us some more details about the Fallout TV show is has in the works. The company recently gave us our first look at the show with a screenshot, which depicts several Dwellers from Vault 33 setting out into the Wasteland for the first time.

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