Final Fantasy 14’s Patch 6.3 Will Add More Housing Wards

For years, finding a home in Final Fantasy 14 has been perhaps the game’s greatest challenge. Just like in real life, home prices have skyrocketed to the point where only the game’s oldest veterans can even hope to afford a home, but that’s only if they can find one. That’s the reason why auto-demolitions are set to return with update 6.3, but on top of that, Square Enix will also be adding yet more housing wards.

As noted in yesterday’s Letter from the Producer #75 (and translated by the ever-helpful Nova Crystallis Twitter account), more homes are coming in the 6.3 update, "Gods Revel, Lands Tremble."

All residential areas will receive additional housing, including six regular wards and six subdivisions, for a total of 1,800 new plots per world. As has become the custom in FF14, all will be available for purchase through a lottery system. "Due to housing availability in existing worlds," Nova Crystallis explained, "plots in newly added wards are unavailable for purchase."

What wards will be available to free companies or private buyers will be outlined on the Lodestone.

Another controversial system set to return in update 6.3 is auto-demolitions. Although introduced well over a year ago to help deal with the housing crisis, auto-demolitions have been on pause since earlier this year, first due to the pandemic, and then due to the war in Ukraine. That pause is set to end on January 10, with homeowners required to enter their abodes at least once every 45 days to avoid having their houses automatically demolished. That timer will pick up right where it left off prior to the auto-demolition pause, so homeowners would do well to visit their homes before the arrival of 6.3

Final Fantasy 16 update 6.3, "Gods Revel, Lands Tremble," arrives January 10, 2023.

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