Forspoken: Avoalet Flashbacks Guide

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  • The Water Garden Flashback Challenge – A Vital Outpost
  • The Fountainfields Flashback Challenge – A Bridge Too Far
  • Golden Hills Flashback Challenge – Runner's Choice
  • The Moulderings Flashback Challenge – Fortress Clear-Out

Forspoken is home to many fun challenges for you to take on – there are underground dungeons, familiars to collect, and super-powered Mutants to defeat. Of course, there are also the Monuments to Wisdom and the Flashbacks held within. These challenges are fun ways to flex your abilities and see what sort of things the game can throw at you.

There are four different Monuments to Wisdom spread throughout Avoalet, with challenges ranging from a race to deliver a message to a local guild to protecting a group of refugees from relentless waves of enemies. These challenges are a great way to stock up on valuable crafting materials and offer a unique insight into Athia's past.

The Water Garden Flashback Challenge – A Vital Outpost

One of the harder challenges to ace in the game, this Flashback has you defending some useless refugees.

The Water Garden Flashback

Challenge: Keep the refugees safe for the allotted time (4 minutes)


First-Time Bonus

Score Requirement

Balm Flax x1

Mana x1


Balm Flax x2

Mana x2


Shore Violet x3

Mana x3


Shore Violet x4

Mana x4


Shore Violet x5

Mana x5


The enemies in this challenge spawn in waves – it's up to you to defend the three refugees from them. To distract an enemy, simply hit it once. Try to distract them before they get anywhere near the refugees.


  1. The first wave consists of Breakzombie Simulacrums.
  2. The second wave occurs at 3:40 at consists of more Breakzombie Simulacrums.
  3. At 3:00, a third wave that contains a Kelaino Simulacrum and some more Breakzombies will spawn at the other end of the battlefield.
  4. This is followed up by another wave of Kelaino and Breakzombie Simulacrums around 15 seconds later, at 2:45.
  5. At 1:50, a large group of Boggart and Breakzombie Simulacrums will spawn inside the fort on the opposite end to the previous spawn point.
  6. At 0:45, a group consisting of Kelaino, Breakzombie, and a single Ogre Simulacrum will appear on the opposite side.

A great way to totally decimate the opposition in this challenge is to wait until you have Olas's MagicStorm Dart is a perfect spell for taking out large groups of enemies, or just distracting them if your Green Magic stat isn't too high.

If you're struggling to keep the refugees alive, remember that it's a good idea to take the fight directly to the monsters, don't let them come to you. If you're fast enough to kill each wave before the next one spawns, you'll have enough time to keep each spawn roughly in the same spot as they appear in. This will keep the refugees from harm.

Don't worry about having to finish the Ogre off at the end if you don't have the right tools for defeating it yet – you only have to last until the time runs out, you don't have to beat it.

The Fountainfields Flashback Challenge – A Bridge Too Far

This challenge has you facing a boss while being swarmed by minions in an arena that is far too narrow.

The Fountainfields Flashback

Challenge: Defeat the boss within the time limit (10 minutes)


First-Time Bonus

Score Requirement

Grainstone x1

Mana x2


Grainstone x2

Mana x3


Anglestone x3

Mana x4


Anglestone x4

Mana x5


Anglestone x3

Mana x6


The boss in question during this challenge is a Pitiless Arbiter Simulacrum. They are identical to regular Pitiless Arbiters – when they have their big ice axe out, they are resistant to all damage. However, when they don't have the axe out, they are very weak to Sila's Magic. They key to this battle is getting as much damage as possible in when the Arbiter is weak to Sila's Magic, and then thinning out the crowd of constantly spawning Unjust Enforcers while it's got its defenses up.

With enough damage, it'll be very possible to focus the Arbiter down, ignoring the Enforcers entirely. This should get you a big enough time bonus that you don't even have to worry about the score you'd get from beating up the minions.

Golden Hills Flashback Challenge – Runner's Choice

This flashback is a race toward the nearby guild. Thanks to the nature of the route you'll take, it's best to wait until you have the full roster of movement skills before going for the best score – namely, you'll want Float to deal with potential fall damage slowing you down.

Golden Hills Flashback

Challenge: Reach your destination within the time limit (5 minutes)


First-Time Bonus

Score Requirement

Leaden Cluster x1

Mana x2


Leaden Cluster x2

Mana x3


Leaden Cluster x3

Mana x4


Leaden Cluster x4

Mana x5


Leaden Bloom x3

Mana x6


As always, when you encounter enemies during this challenge, you'll have to deal with them before you can continue.

  1. Immediately use Zip on the pole ahead of you to launch forward. Avoid damage on the fall by starting up a Float just before you hit the ground, and then continue on toward the pack of Syntheras Simulacrums. They are weak to Frey's Magic, so use Disperse – it'll deal with all of them quickly and is more accurate than you can be.
  2. Race ahead to the group of Ramoceros Simulacrums and Merycodus Simulacrums. Sila's Magic is the best to use here as it's the element that neither of them resist.
  3. Continue to the next checkpoint. There are two Boggart Simulacrums here – use Frey's Magic to take them out.
  4. After beating the Boggarts, a huge horde of Breakzombies will spawn, surrounding you. Take them as soon as you can with your biggest attacks.
  5. To get over the gorge, either use a combination of Scale and Float (which is risky if you don't space it well) or just head to the bridge, which you'll find to the right of the guild. Reach the checkpoint to end the challenge.

The Moulderings Flashback Challenge – Fortress Clear-Out

Hidden all the way in the deepest reaches of Avoalet is the final flashback challenge, which takes place in a fortress that you'd never have cause to visit otherwise.

The Moulderings Flashback

Challenge: Take out all the enemies within the time limit (10 minutes)


First-Time Bonus

Score Requirement

Balm Flax x1

Mana x3


Balm Flax x2

Mana x4


Shore Violet x5

Mana x5


Shore Violet x6

Mana x6


Shore Violet x8

Mana x7


In the lategame, this challenge is one of the best sources possible for Shore Violets.

This flashback is a test of how well you cope with Prav's soldiers – the Unjust Enforcers and the Pitiless Arbiters. For the majority of the challenge, you're dealing only with Unjust Enforcer Simulacrums – with a high enough Red Magic stat (above 200), you can just slice through them with Sila's normal melee attacks. Otherwise, just do your best to avoid damage, though it will be hard thanks to their pinpoint accuracy and large area attacks.

Eventually, the groups will start spawing outside, drawing you to the right of the fortress. When the next spawn point is on top of the nearby hill, you'll be confronted with a single Pitiless Arbiter Simulacrum. A little while later, it will be joined by two more Pitiless Arbiter Simulacrums. Try to wear them down as best you can – if they decide to go into their defensive mode, where they have no weaknesses, just use your strongest spells.

It's a good idea to save your Surge Magic until you're fighting the three Pitiless Arbiter Simulacrums at once. If you've made good time and didn't get hit too much, you should have accrued enough points to get a good score.

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