Fortnite Device Event WARNING: When should you login to avoid missing Doomsday?

Fortnite events in the past have been hugely impressive but sometimes chaotic affairs.

Remember Kevin the Cube ? the Rocket launch? Or the butterfly event ? All those wild events helped propel the story of the game forward, but they were also exceptional viewing first and foremost. And that's just three events. There's many more we're not including.

The point is, you really don't want to miss these events and the latest update from Epic Games on Sunday confirmed that the event was most definitely going ahead; a welcome relief after multiple delays.

An official tweet from the game reads:

"The Storm rages on. Will Midas’ Machine break the Storm? The Device is set to be activated on June 15 at 2PM ET."

Fortnite Doomsday Device Event

However, on top of the above, Epic Games also shared a warning with players, writing:

"Space is limited! Show up 30 minutes early to help secure your spot and be there live."

So although the event may being at 7.05 pm BST (the time the event starts for players in the United Kingdom), the time you need to be in the game is ideally from 6.35 pm BST.

Quite why this particular event appears to have limited space isn't quite clear.

Although we imagine it must have something do with servers becoming stretched as the company attempts to deal with a massive influx of players.

In the past Fortnite has normally disabled additional services, most likely in an effort to ease servers during the event.

Ahead of another Epic Games event, we can likely expect to see other available game modes, such as Playground and creative modes, switched off.

Thankfully this should only be a temporary measure and all playlists and modes should be back online after Epic Games has completed their live event.

It's also worth noting that during the evnt we expect to see weapons disabled too.

You won't need to worry about been killed during the event.

As some might recall, it was during the rocket launch when someone infamously murdered a huge collection of players.

At the time 50 players were killed in one go, missing the Rocket Launch in the process. As you might imagine, it didn't go down well.

If you don't fancy playing the game and watching in-game, then you can instead choose to watch the event on Twitch or YouTube

Stay tuned for updates during the event, just below.

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