JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R- How To Perform Every Dramatic Finish

Quick Links

  • How To Perform A Dramatic Finish
  • Dio's Castle
  • Battlefield
  • DIO's Mansion
  • El Cairo City
  • Cairo Bridge
  • Cape Boingy-Boing
  • Kira Estate
  • Morioh Town
  • Naples Train Station
  • Rome
  • Colosseum
  • Dolphin State Prison
  • Everglades
  • Rocky Mountain Village
  • Philadelphia Seaside
  • Wall Eyes

Arena gimmicks are not the only fun references you'll find in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R. On the contrary, each stage has an additional easter egg called Dramatic Finishes. If you've ever played Dragon Ball FighterZ, you've witnessed a similar Dramatic Finish feature.

Dramatic Finishes are unique cutscenes that occur after a match gets decided. Each Dramatic Finish references iconic scenes from JJBA. For instance, Morioh Town's Dramatic FInish features the haunted alleyway from Diamond Is Unbreakable. Another Dramatic Finish on Cairo Bridge recreates DIO's iconic steamroller attack. There are plenty more Dramatic Finishes where that came from, but each requires specific conditions to activate.

How To Perform A Dramatic Finish

Performing a Dramatic Finish is a straightforward task. All the player must do is meet two conditions:

  1. The player must win the match-determining round with a Heart Heat Attack or Great Heart Attack.
  2. The finishing attack must face a specific direction of the arena.

Activating each stage's Dramatic Finish earns two game achievements, listed in the table below:

Achievement Condition
YadaaaaaaAAAAABAAAAAAAAAA Pulled off a Dramatic Finish for the first time.
Don't come near me! Pulled off all Dramatic Finishes.

In the following sections, we'll briefly describe each arena's Dramatic Finish and the direction one's finishing move must face to trigger the special event.

Dio's Castle

From Part 1: Phantom Blood

  • What Is This Stage's Dramatic Finish?
    • In Dio's Castle's Dramatic Finish, the loser will fly off the castle balcony to their demise.
  • Where Should You Direct The HHA/GHA?
    • Direct the finishing move toward the castle balcony.
    • Battlefield

      From Part 2: Battle Tendency

      • What Is This Stage's Dramatic Finish?
        • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​In the Battlefield's Dramatic Finish, a chariot driven by vampiric horses will violently trample the loser.
      • Where Should You Direct The HHA/GHA?
        • Direct your finishing move toward the bonfire in the center of the Battlefield.
        • DIO's Mansion

          From Part 3: Stardust Crusaders

          • What Is This Stage's Dramatic Finish?
            • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​In DIO's Mansion's Dramatic Finish, the loser flies out of the wall opening. If the character is a vampire, they will disintegrate upon entering the daylight.
          • Where Should You Direct The HHA/GHA?
            • ​​​​​​​Direct your finishing move toward the same wall opening.
            • El Cairo City

              From Part 3: Stardust Crusaders

              • What Is This Stage's Dramatic Finish?
                • In El Cairo City's Dramatic Finish, the loser gets sent flying into a water tower, similar to a central character's death in Stardust Crusaders.
              • Where Should You Direct The HHA/GHA?
                • ​​​​​​​Direct your finishing move toward the water tower in the same direction as the corner lampost.
                • Cairo Bridge

                  From Part 3: Stardust Crusaders

                  • What Is This Stage's Dramatic Finish?
                    • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​In the Cairo Bridge's Dramatic Finish, a steamroller crushes the loser. However, you will not see the moment of the blow.
                  • Where Should You Direct The HHA/GHA?
                    • ​​​​​​​Direct your finishing move toward the end of the bridge with the burning car. This end opposes the end of the bridge with the Speedwagon van.
                    • Cape Boingy-Boing

                      From Part 4: Diamond Is Unbreakable

                      • What Is This Stage's Dramatic Finish?
                        • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​In Cape Boingy-Boing's Dramatic Finish, the loser will fall off the cliff and bounce on a supposedly rigid rock, similar to a famous moment from Diamond Is Unbreakable.
                      • Where Should You Direct The HHA/GHA?
                        • ​​​​​​​Direct your finishing move toward the cape's cliff, where there is no fencing.
                        • Kira Estate

                          From Part 4: Diamond Is Unbreakable

                          • What Is This Stage's Dramatic Finish?
                            • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​In the Kira Estate's Dramatic Finish, the loser will knock over a book revealing Yoshikage Kira's nail-clipping records.
                          • Where Should You Direct The HHA/GHA?
                            • Direct your finishing move toward the wall where Okuyasu is kneeling. You will see a book floating in the air near this wall.
                            • Morioh Town

                              From Part 4: Diamond Is Unbreakable

                              • What Is This Stage's Dramatic Finish?
                                • In Morioh Town's Dramatic Finish, the loser gets confronted by Reimi Sugimoto. Then an army of ghostly hands drags the loser to Hell.
                              • Where Should You Direct The HHA/GHA?
                                • ​​​​​​​Direct your finishing move toward the ambulance.
                                • Naples Train Station

                                  From Parte 5: Golden Wind

                                  • What Is This Stage's Dramatic Finish?
                                    • Pesci will hook the loser on their Stand's fishing line in the Naples Train Station's Dramatic Finish. Then the train will depart, dragging the loser away on the station platform.
                                  • Where Should You Direct The HHA/GHA?
                                    • ​​​​​​​Direct your finishing move toward the train.
                                    • Rome

                                      From Parte 5: Golden Wind

                                      • What Is This Stage's Dramatic Finish?
                                        • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​In Rome's Dramatic Finish, the loser flies into a garbage truck.
                                      • Where Should You Direct The HHA/GHA?
                                        • ​​​​​​​Direct your finishing move toward the side of the streets with storefronts.
                                        • Colosseum

                                          From Parte 5: Golden Wind

                                          • What Is This Stage's Dramatic Finish?
                                            • In the Colosseum's Dramatic Finish, Chariot Requiem will appear behind the Colosseum gates holding the Bow and Arrow. Then, the Stand will walk away.
                                          • Where Should You Direct The HHA/GHA?
                                            • Direct your finishing move toward the entrance gates.
                                            • Dolphin State Prison

                                              From Part 6: Stone Ocean

                                              • What Is This Stage's Dramatic Finish?
                                                • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Father Pucchi's Stand, Whitesnake, slashes the loser's neck, retrieving a disk from their body.
                                              • Where Should You Direct The HHA/GHA?
                                                • ​​​​​​​Direct your finishing move toward the courtyard's center pillar.
                                                • Everglades

                                                  From Part 6: Stone Ocean

                                                  • What Is This Stage's Dramatic Finish?
                                                    • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​In the Everglades' Dramatic Finish, the loser gets annihilated by a detonated bomb donning a "G.D." monogram.
                                                  • Where Should You Direct The HHA/GHA?
                                                    • Direct your finishing move toward the swamp water.
                                                    • Rocky Mountain Village

                                                      From Part 7: Steel Ball Run

                                                      • What Is This Stage's Dramatic Finish?
                                                        • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The loser goes down the mountain in Rocky Mountain Village's Dramatic Finish.
                                                      • Where Should You Direct The HHA/GHA?
                                                        • ​​​​​​​Direct your finishing move toward the opening in the walls overseeing the mountain cliff. You will see northern lights and more mountains if facing the correct direction.
                                                        • Philadelphia Seaside

                                                          From Part 7: Steel Ball Run

                                                          • What Is This Stage's Dramatic Finish?
                                                            • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​In the Philadelphia Seaside's Dramatic Finish, the loser hurdles toward a sign and knocks it over. The sign reveals that bears are lurking in the area.
                                                          • Where Should You Direct The HHA/GHA?
                                                            • ​​​​​​​Direct your finishing move toward the "Beware of Bears" sign.
                                                            • Wall Eyes

                                                              From Part 8: JoJolion

                                                              • What Is This Stage's Dramatic Finish?
                                                                • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​In the Wall Eyes' Dramatic Finish, Joshu hears Yasuho scream and attacks the loser with a large stone.
                                                              • Where Should You Direct The HHA/GHA?
                                                                • ​​​​​​​Direct your attack toward the Wall Eyes (tall mountain top with houses crashed into each other). For reference, Yasuho (a pink-haired girl) sits in front of the Wall Eyes.
                                                                • Source: Read Full Article