League of Legends: 10 Things You Should Know About The Champion Zeri

League of Legends is arguably the most popular game in the MOBA genre and for good reason. It’s easy to pick up and play, but incredibly difficult to master due to the sheer amount of strategy and champions in the game.

There are over 140 different champions in League of Legends and, while the game is full of underrated ADC champions, the one everyone is talking about right now is Zeri. She is the newest addition to the League of Legends roster, but before you play as Zeri, there’s a lot you should know about the champion.

10 Zeri's Design Is A Collaborative Effort

As you may already know, Riot Games is the developer behind both League of Legends and the tactical shooter Valorant. Since they work on both games, it only makes sense for them to make League of Legends’ Champion Team work alongside Valorant’s Agent Team to create characters for both games.

That’s exactly what happened with Zeri. She’s the result of a collaborative effort between the two teams. For Valorant, the two teams created Neon. Zeri and Neon are both colorful characters with twin tail hairstyles and are inspired by Filipino culture.

9 Zeri Was Born With Electric Powers

Zeri was born and raised in Zaun. She has had special electric abilities since birth and always struggled to control her powers. If she laughed or cried, a spark would shoot out of her body. If she got angry, then there was a good chance the whole block would experience a power outage.

These little quirks made her difficult to deal with at times. Thankfully, she decided to use her powers for good and has saved many people in Zaun by moving quickly and acting even quicker.

8 Her Kit Was Inspired By First-Person Shooters

Considering League of Legends’ Champion Team worked with Valorant’s Agent Team, it comes as no surprise that Zeri’s kit was inspired by first-person shooters.

Her W ability, Ultrashock Laser, was designed to imitate how an Operator sniper rifle from Valorant would feel like in League of Legends. Specifically, it mimics the wall penetration ability of the sniper. Her basic attack is similar to having a rifle, as it fires in bursts. You tend to have to burst fire or tap fire weapons in Valorant to be accurate, so it’s as if Zeri is doing the same in League of Legends.

7 Her Release Skin Is Withered Rose

Every new League of Legends champion gets their own release skin. For Zeri, her release skin in Withered Rose, making her a part of the Crystal Rose alternate future. In this alternate future, the annual Crystal Rose festival is a place where champions put their differences aside and form new alliances based on the roses that grow during the festival.

As a Withered Rose, Zeri is allied with Elise, Syndra and Talon. Zeri’s goal is to crash the party this year and take action because most champions won’t expect her to actually have a plan. While Zeri might have the fewest skins out of any champion right now, Riot Games will surely add more over time.

6 She Has A Strong Passive – Living Battery

Zeri is a fairly easy champion for beginners because of her passive ability, Living Battery. Anytime Zeri receives a shield, she gains Move Speed. The thing is, she doesn’t have any moves that can grant her a shield. Luckily, by damaging an enemy who has a shield up, Zeri absorbs their shield and gives herself one.

This means that, if you see Morgana or Lux shield the opposing team’s ADC, land a hit on the ADC, and you’ll be able to steal their shield and give yourself some extra Move Speed in the process. Now that’s a win-win scenario.

5 Burst Fire Scales Well

Burst Fire is Zeri’s Q ability. Zeri shoots a burst of seven rounds from her rifle that deal physical damage to the first enemy hit. Since the attack deals physical damage, it scales with Attack Damage. Sadly, the attack can’t go through multiple enemies, so you’ll need to land a direct hit on your target.

As for Zeri’s basic attack, it scales with Ability Power, so you’ll want to work on both AD and AP to get the most out of Zeri. She’s one of the rare hybrid champions in League of Legends.

4 Ultrashock Laser Is Flexible

Zeri’s W ability is Ultrashock Laser. This attack damages the first enemy hit and slows them down for a short period of time. It’s very useful to hit the opposing ADC with this ability right before your jungler comes down for a gank.

What’s interesting about the Ultrashock Laser is that its effect changes when you shoot it against a wall. If it hits a wall, it will blast a long range laser beam from the point of impact that is capable of damaging multiple enemies. The Ultrashock Laser is one of Zeri’s better abilities.

3 Spark Surge Increases Mobility

Zeri’s E ability is Spark Surge. This ability allows Zeri to dash forward, and it energizes her next three casts of Burst Fire for up to six seconds, allowing them to pierce through enemies. If you use this ability to dash into terrain, Zeri will vault over the terrain or grind over it depending on the angle you hit it from.

Hitting a champion with Spark Surge will reduce its cooldown, so it’s best to use when trying to poke or earn a takedown. All of her abilities build off each other, giving her plenty of interesting combos.

2 Lightning Crash Adds AOE Damage

Zeri’s ultimate attack is Lightning Crash. This ability can be activated by pressing R and allows Zeri to discharge a circle of electricity, damaging enemies in its radius and overcharging Zeri.

While overcharged, Zeri gains Move Speed, Attack Speed and increased damage. To keep the overcharge status effect going, you’ll want to attack enemy champions. Using Burst Fire while Zeri’s ultimate is activated will turn the attack into a faster triple shot that could bounce from enemy to enemy. With abilities like these, it’s unlikely that Zeri becomes a forgotten champion anytime soon.

1 Zeri Has A Fierce Combo

The most lethal combo for Zeri has to be W-E-Q. By using these attacks in this order, you can deal some massive damage and tilt a lane in your favor. Ultrashock Laser slows down your opponent, so following it up with a quick Spark Surge to get close to your opponent is a good idea. After you cast Spark Surge, quickly activate Burst Fire to take advantage of the energized attacks.

It will cost some decent mana, but this combination of Zeri’s abilities can catch the opposing team off guard, which is exactly what you want.

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