Lucy Dreaming: Chapter 3 Walkthrough – The Drowning Nightmare

Quick Links

  • How To Remember Your Heritage Trust Number
  • How To Find The Three Regional Words For Woody
  • How To Get The Case Files
  • How To Debunk The Murder Weapon
  • How To Debunk The DNA Evidence
  • How To Make It Low Tide
  • How To Unblock The Chip Shop Seller's Oil Thermometer
  • How To Deal With The Seagulls
  • How To Get The Rubber Band Off Sergeant's Claw
  • How To Stop Lucy From Drowning

Two nightmares down, how many more could there be? Lucy Dreaming gets a bit darker from here on out, with the mysterious murder case from ten years ago becoming more relevant to the plot – Lucy, of course, must take steps to figure things out for herself.

In this guide, we'll be taking steps to solve the case as we tackle the drowning nightmare, as we feel it makes more sense to take things piecemeal rather than leaving the grand mystery until the end of the game.

How To Remember Your Heritage Trust Number

Just like remembering your laptop passcode earlier, you'll have to delve back into your dream world to remember your Heritage Trust number. Go back to the Baking Book dream.

Examine the row of letters on the shelves. Lucy will note down the number and recognise it as her Heritage Trust number – you don't have to remember it or write it down.

Wake up and then head to Fig Hall. Talk to the receptionist on the left and give him the number. He'll print out a Visitor Pass for you – remember to pick it up off the desk!

Talk to Esmé on the right – exhaust her dialogue, specifically about the Fig brothers and the arresting officer. You should now be able to enter the pub in the town centre. Go there now.

Talk to the Guy on the right – his name turns out to be Woody, and he's the police officer who knows about the Fig brothers' case. Ask him about it.

He'll be willing to tell you about it, but you have to help him write his review first.

How To Find The Three Regional Words For Woody

Exhaust Guy's dialogues, finding out that you need to learn the regional slang for the following words:

  • Insipid
  • Leathery
  • Caustic

We'll get right on that. Before anything else, talk to Guy again and say that you don't know the meaning of some of the words – he'll recommend that you get a Dictionary. Now, talk to the landlord – be sure to ask him about the man with the 'dog' – he'll tell you that he's Curly, the school's deaf caretaker and that his skin is incredibly thick.

Leave the pub and talk to the shopkeeper in the street, who is now using FrootieShootie to scrub the graffiti on his wall. Get permission to enter the storeroom inside the shop, and then do just that.

In the storeroom, use the Beetles you picked up quite a long time ago on the fur coat hung up on the wall. They'll eat the coat, revealing more graffiti – examine it to learn the word 'crumplish,' the first piece of regional slang you need.

Travel to the library and head to the back. Return the Poetry Book using the slot on the right, and then use your Library Card to get a new book – this time, a Dictionary. Examine it to learn the definitions of the new words.

Your next destination is Fig Hall. Talk to the receptionist on the left and ask if he knows any local terminology, specifically 'insipid' – thanks to the Dictionary, you get directed to the café, which has pretty insipid herbal teas, apparently.

Head to the right, into the café. Talk to the dinner lady about the café's herbal teas, and she'll give you the next regional word you need – 'gnatcock.'

To get the final word, head to the village fete. Talk to the man cleaning the portaloo. Oof. He'll complain about his cleaning products, stating that he needs something more caustic. We know exactly the thing!

Head back to the town centre and talk to the shopkeeper again until you can ask to borrow a bottle of FrootieShootie. Take it back to the village fete and hand it to the poor steward, who will teach you the word 'grunchious.'

Return to Woody at the pub and tell him about the three words you learned. With his review complete, you can also ask him about the case – do so. Exhaust his dialogue, and you'll learn that the police chief's wife has donated some of his things to the charity shop, and that there are case files for auction at the village fete.

How To Get The Case Files

Travel to the village fete. Chat to the steward here first to learn that the Goosey Wallop game is now free thanks to the parishioner you met in the church getting struck by the mallet and dropping her money in the mud.

If you like, you can now play Goosey Wallop! It's a short, reflex-based game. If you hit all three geese in one game, you'll get a badge for your rucksack.

We're gonna get that money – use your Metal Detector. Set it to Brass and 0-5 Years and hit the Start button – you'll get a Pound.

Enter the police tent and chat with the police officer to learn how the auction works. You can also ask about the police chief to learn that he recorded the Chart Show every night – these are the cassette tapes that you might have found previously in the charity shop.

Sit in one of the chairs to begin the auction – you'll win, as you're the only bidder. Lucy will automatically examine the case file – you'll learn that the case is basically closed thanks to two pieces of evidence:

  • Some hair that proved a close enough match to Horatio's DNA.
  • A bloody sword in the fireplace in Fig Hall.

Head to the town centre and talk to the police officer about the case until you come up with your next objective: to cast doubt on the evidence in the case file.

How To Debunk The Murder Weapon

The murder weapon is apparently the bloody sword seen in the photograph taken at Fig Hall. Go to Fig Hall now and enter the café.

Examine the photos on the wall – in the photo of the fireplace, check out the sword to conclude that the sword was in the fireplace long before Fergus's murder ten years ago. Also, examine the large family tree on the right.

Attempt to pick up the photograph, and you'll be told off, but you'll also learn that Fig Hall has promotional packs on offer. Go back to the reception and talk to Howard about the packs – you'll get a Tote Bag. Examine it to get some Postcards and a Brochure – this is the book you need to deal with the current nightmare!

That should be enough to cast doubt on the murder weapon! Before dealing with the dream sequence part of this chapter, let's take care of the other piece of evidence.

How To Debunk The DNA Evidence

Still at Fig Hall, examine the blue vase on top of the fireplace.

Ask Esmé more about the Fig family to learn about the family tree, and then ask her about the vase. She'll reveal that it was stolen – you might have noticed this vase already.

Head back to Lucy's house and pick up the Vase next to the front door. There's some canvas inside that you can't quite reach. While at the house, go to the lounge and pick up a Poker from the fireplace tools on the right. Combine the Poker with the Heritage Trust Tote Bag, and then combine the resulting Poker In A Bag with the Vase. You'll have the Family Tree!

Return to the town centre and talk to the police officer again. Present her with the evidence you've gathered – the Family Tree and the Postcards. Now you can ask her about the exact date of the murder: June 26.

We can't do anything with this piece of information just yet, so let's head back to Lucy's bedroom and explore the new dream she's acquired – fill the Dream Box with the Brochure and Mr. Fumble and then head to sleep.

Talking to the purveyor of fine fried potatoes here will reveal the objectives you have to complete in this dream:

  • Unclog her oil thermometer nozzle.
  • Search the ground at low tide for items.
  • Reach the other side of the bay and meet the Sergeant.

How To Make It Low Tide

Like the fan affected wind direction in the Baking Book dream, we can affect the tide level in the Brochure dream by altering something in Lucy's bedroom. Wake up for now and pick up the Glass from Lucy's bedside table. To empty it, use it on the fish tank in the room.

You don't have to put the Glass back on the table to alter Lucy's dreams.

Go back to sleep, and it'll be low tide. Head to the end of the pier and climb down the ladder. On the seafloor, interact with the large masses of seaweed until you find a Compact Fishing Rod. Pick it up.

Head all the way to the left and talk to the crab inside the newspaper cone. Find out that he's being pestered by seagulls and that you can't get past without dealing with the gulls. One idea springs to mind: lure them away with chips – but you can't get any until you fix the chip shop's oil thermometer.

How To Unblock The Chip Shop Seller's Oil Thermometer

Firstly, wake up. Swap the Brochure for the Baking Book, and make sure you're going to sleep with an empty Glass.

With an empty Glass, the rain has stopped in this dream. Pick up one of the bread rolls on the shelves to get a Cob – combine this with your Fishing Rod to get a Bread-dangling Stick. Wake up.

Now we want the Dream Box to be filled with the Duck Toy and the Brochure. Refill the Glass with water before going back to sleep.

The tide should be in now. Walk to the left and use your new Bread-dangling Stick with the massive duck. You'll sail to the other end of the bay and can enter the giant sandcastle here.

Here you'll find the Sergeant, a giant crab. Talking with him will reveal that he has a useful-looking grabber that you can see on his wall but won't give it to you unless you can remove the rubber band from his claw. To do that, we'll need Mr. Fumble's help, but trying to bring him to the dream right now will have him on the other side of the bay.

While you're in the sandcastle, attempt to pick up the dismembered arm on the right to get a Fake Finger. Also, pick up the Gold Pen on the ground.

Leave the sandcastle and use the duck to get back to the other side of the bay. Give the Fake Finger to the crab in the chip shop – this will unblock the nozzle! Ask her for some Chips.

How To Deal With The Seagulls

Wake up for now. Replace the duck with Mr. Fumble and empty the Glass before going back to sleep.

Back at the seaside, offer Mr. Fumble the Chips. That deals with that little issue, I guess.

Head down the ladder and towards Kermit again. Interact with the overturned, giant ice cream cone behind him, and Kermit will take it before leaving. That's that sorted, too! Only one objective left.

How To Get The Rubber Band Off Sergeant's Claw

Mr. Fumble also rejoins you now. Talk to him and ask him to climb the rope. Unfortunately, it's too slippery for Lucy, so you need another way across. Do the following:

  • Wake up.
  • Put the Duck Toy in the Dream Box and go to sleep with a full Glass of water.
  • Head over to the Sergeant's side of the bay using the Bread-dangling Stick with the duck.
  • Wake up.
  • Replace the Duck Toy with Mr. Fumble and go back to sleep.
  • Enter the sandcastle.

Lucy and Mr. Fumble will automatically help Sergeant out with his rubber band issue. You'll get the Mighty Claw Artefact as your reward.

How To Stop Lucy From Drowning

As we've done twice before, wake up and pick the Dream Box up from the floor.

Head back into Lucy's nightmare. You'll have to use the Mighty Claw Artefact with the anchor as you pass it on the way down.

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