Marvel Snap Will Let You Battle Your Friends From Today

Marvel Snap's Battle Mode, which will allow players to face their friends is launching today. The popular mobile title has lacked this feature up till now but it's been a much requested feature with fans since the game launched in October.

Marvel Snap has raced up in popularity since its launch and it even won Best Mobile Game at The Game Awards 2022. However, in the game so far matches have only been between randomly chosen opponents. But from today, January 31, you'll be able to invite friends to play against. The Battle Mode will work differently from the regular matches too.

In Battle Mode, players create a match by sharing a code with their friends or "random people" according to creator Ben Brode, while you join a match by entering that code.

In Battle Mode players face off in a series of matches with the aim of knocking down your opponent's health. Players start with 10 health, and if you win a match you knock health off your opponent: two points usually but you double it when players snap. If you retreat you'll lose a single point. Players keep battling until someone loses all their health.

Brode also shared that Second Dinner's "baller engineering team" got cross-region matchmaking to work too, so expect to be able to battle your friends from overseas. As for creating a Friends List, that feature is on the roadmap but not yet included.

Marvel Snap is free to play and is available on Android, iOS, and PC. Matches tend to be fairly brief, usually lasting no longer than 15 minutes, over six rounds, with players putting cards down on three locations. Marvel Snap uses cards featuring Marvel heroes and villains with many of them having special abilities. The aim of the game is to win locations with the highest points. It's an accessible game but with depth too as players have learned over time.

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