One Lucky Fan Got Nintendo Switch Sports Early

Nintendo has been pretty good at reviving some of its older IPs that many assumed had been left to the annuls of time recently. Pokemon Snap got a sequel, Super Rush was the first Mario Golf game on a home console since the GameCube, and later this year Mario Strikers will debut on Switch in the form of Battle League. We're even getting a sequel to Wii Sports, one of the best-selling games of all time, in the form of Nintendo Switch Sports.

Okay, the asterisk alongside Wii Sports' sales figures is that the game came bundled with the Wii. Switch Sports does not come free with every Switch from now on. You'll need to buy the game separately and it launches this Friday. However, one lucky player appears to have received their copy four days early. i_can_hear_the_world has shared images of the case and the cartridge on Reddit and even uploaded gameplay on YouTube.

“My copy of Nintendo Switch Sports just came in the mail a *few* days early,” the lucky player revealed on Reddit. As you might imagine, they have been flooded with questions since revealing they've been playing the game before everyone else. Some of the more amusing ones posed include do the Miis watching bowlong still jump if you bowl backwards, and does the game include the mode where you bowl at massive amounts of pins. Sadly, the answer to both of those questions is no.

Odds are once Nintendo gets wind of this, its higher ups won't be best pleased. Nintendo was very particular about who was allowed to see what during a play test for Switch Sports earlier this year. Players who were invited to take part had to sign an agreement declaring they wouldn't share screenshots or footage from the test weekend. Granted, previews have been available for a while now and launch is now just three days away, but this still isn't the sort of thing Nintento will be happy about.

This also isn't the first time something like this has happened to Nintendo recently. One lucky player managed to pick up a copy Advance Wars Re-Boot Camp through the eShop. The collection of remakes had its launch indefinitely delayed due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Once Nintendo discovered someone was playing, it removed the game from their Switch and refunded the money.

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