Overwatch 2: 10 Easy Heroes For Beginners

With Overwatch 2 turning the game free to play, it's only natural that there will be countless new people in the game and, with more players in the game, it's common to get lost in all the new characters and what they can do. The game even locks a significant portion of its roster to newcomers, so they don't get as overwhelmed at first. All that said, which characters would be a good choice for beginners to the game?

Among Tank, Damage, and Support characters, you still have plenty to choose from, and the options will only increase more and more as you play the game. So, welcome to Overwatch, take a look and see which character fits your playstyle.

10/10 Tank: Reinhardt

Reinhardt is the tankiest of all tanks in the game. Big health, and a big shield, make him powerful to protect both himself and others. His abilities are very straightforward, dashing around the map, using fire projectiles to get rid of targets who are further away, and being one of the few characters that use a melee weapon.

He's friendly to people who don't have good aim, although that means you'll have to get up close to everyone you want to kill. Still, Reinhardt is perfect to try out tanks in the game.

9/10 Tank: Roadhog

Another good tank to start with, Roadhog became a very difficult character to kill in Overwatch 2. He has the biggest health bar in the game, and one ability that heals 50 percent of your max health in a short time. His famous hook also allows you to get a quick kill among the squishy characters.

He'll be even more dangerous if paired up with a Mercy, which will make him almost immortal (if the other team doesn't start hunting Mercy because of that). He doesn't protect the team as much compared to others, but you can still be a powerful frontline with him.

8/10 Tank: Orisa

This one is a bit more complicated compared to the previous two, but not by much. Orisa is both powerful and resistant: a deadly combination. She can negate attacks, increase her overall resistance, and her main gun has no recoil on it, which also makes it good for newcomers to the genre.

The only part you'll need to learn properly is when and how to use her ultimate since it has a "gamble" aspect to it; the more you charge, the more damage, but the longer it will take for you to use it.

7/10 Damage: Bastion

Another character with no recoil (a common thing among the robot characters), Bastion is a lot more aggressive, at the cost of being squishier. Bastion has a devastating damage output, from his gun, sticky grenades, and his turret form, with a temporary rotating cannon that gives him unlimited ammo during this time.

His ultimate can also cover three large areas and can kill people pretty easily, though it isn't too difficult to avoid it for some characters.

6/10 Damage: Widowmaker

At first, this seems like a tricky character for newcomers o the game. If you're new to FPS games, and you're still practicing your aiming, she will prove to be a challenge. However, if you're new to Overwatch but not FPS games, well, here's your sniper.

Widowmaker has a very simple kit, with an ability for maneuverability, a mine to kill or guard your surroundings, and a "wall-hack" as an ultimate. Still, she's one of the few characters that can one-shot people in the game so, if you have proper aiming, you can headshot everyone and dominate the game. Alternatively, you have the other sniper, Hanzo, but he's trickier to play with.

5/10 Damage: Reaper

Get close. Shoot. Repeat. Okay, it's a bit more than that, but Reaper is a simple and good character for those who like to fight at a close range. His abilities are mostly made for moving around, with a teleport perfect for flanking and his Wraith Form that allows him to escape complicated situations.

Not only that, but he also recovers a bit of health every single time he does damage, which makes him quite independent. He also has one of the strongest and easiest-to-use ultimate abilities that, when timed correctly, can kill most, if not all, the enemy team in a single swoop.

4/10 Damage: Soldier 76

Soldier 76 is the default assault character, whose gameplay even mimics straightforward FPS games. He's good at both close and mid ranges, is capable of healing himself and close allies, has a powerful missile attack, and his ultimate is essentially an aim-bot.

His kit is simple, but effective, making him easy to learn and adaptable in many instances. Alternatively, you can use Sojourn; she's a bit more complicated, but offers more variety in her attacks.

3/10 Support: Lúcio

Speed, support, and style, all in one character. What makes Lúcio great is that his mere presence is enough to help your friends. After all, he has a healing area around him that can be swapped by a speed boost area whenever you want. His healing isn't too powerful, but you can temporarily increase it with one of your abilities.

He can be a good fighter as well, something Overwatch 2 expects from almost every character, due to his mobility and range. His ultimate is also capable of protecting the team during complicated situations, being a true lifesaver.

2/10 Support: Mercy

By far the easiest support to use in the game, Mercy's healing is extremely powerful and efficient, being able to completely save characters with critical health during dire situations. She can also choose to increase damage instead of healing, helping your teammates to perform even better than before. She can be quite mobile, though her mobility relies on having allies around her, and her ultimate allows her to heal or increase damage to multiple allies at once.

Oh, and did we mention that she's the only character capable of resurrecting someone? Just be careful when playing as her; she's extremely fragile, with low health, a weak pistol and not a single ability that helps her fight by herself.

1/10 Support: Moira

Hurt and heal is the definition of this character. Moira is quick and powerful, with good healing and consistent damage. Her attacks aren't very powerful, but it locks to whoever is in front of you, demanding little of your aim, and she can choose between two different orbs: one that hurt enemies around it and another that heals allies around it.

Through proper positioning, she can also heal multiple allies, and her ultimate can both kill and heal all at the same time, making her perfect to both help your friends and push your enemies. Just don't get too focused on fighting to the point you're not even paying attention to your allies and their health bars.

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