Persona 3 Portable: Hierophant Social Link Guide

Quick Links

  • How To Unlock The Hierophant Social Link
  • How To Rank Up Bunkichi And Mitsuko's Social Link

There are plenty of interesting characters for you to grow closer to throughout the course of Persona 3 Portable, but few of them are more adorable than your social link with Bunkichi and Mitsuko. They’re the old couple who own Bookworm Used Books, and they take a special interest in you when they learn you attend the school where a particular tree has caught their attention.

Hanging out with this sweet elderly pair is your ticket to stronger Personas of the Hierophant arcana. For the right dialogue choices to advance your social link with Bunkichi and Mitsuko in P3P, read on ahead.

This guide contains spoilers for plot elements from Persona 3 Portable.

How To Unlock The Hierophant Social Link

Bunkichi and Mitsuko's Social Link can be started as soon as 4/25, making them one of the earliest non-SEES social links you can work on.

To unlock the Hierophant Social Link, visit them at their bookstore, Bookworms, located inside Iwatodai Strip Mall.

The unlock method for Bunkichi and Mitsuko is the same for both protagonists.

When you speak to them there, they'll talk about the persimmon tree at Gekkoukan High. In order to begin their social link, you need to bring them a leaf from the tree.

Access the tree by going to Gekkoukan High – 1F, Laboratory Hallway, and going through the 1F Corridor.

Interact with the persimmon tree to obtain Persimmon Leaf, and bring it back to the couple. Once you hand it over, the Hierophant social link will formally begin.

Bunkichi Becomes A Missing Person

One of only two social links that are able to cease midway through, Bunkichi is lost beginning on 9/12. You have until 10/4 to rescue him from Floor 120.

If you fail to save him in time, your Hierophant social link will stop where it is, and you cannot progress it further.

How To Rank Up Bunkichi And Mitsuko's Social Link

You can earn one bonus affinity point for answers that reward them for simply keeping a Persona of the Hierophant arcana on you when you spend time with Bunkichi and Mitsuko.

Bunkichi and Mitsuko's Persona 3 Portable Social Link, Rank 1


Your Response

Points Earned With A Matching Persona

Points Earned Without A Matching Persona

(Bunkichi) "That means you've probably seen the persimmon tree there…"

"No, I haven't."

"Persimmon tree?"

Would you like to show it to him?

Show it to him


Don't show it to him

Leave (you cannot continue the social link without showing him)

(Bunkichi) "…Wait, so you didn't come here to buy books? Did you come here just to show us this?"

"Yes, I did."


Bunkichi and Mitsuko's Persona 3 Portable Social Link, Rank 2

Your protagonist will receive Melon Bread after this scene.


Your Response

Points Earned With A Matching Persona

Points Earned Without A Matching Persona

(Bunkichi) "What was your name again?"

"I'm from Gekkoukan…"



"Have you forgotten me?"

(Bunkichi) "Someone gave them to me, but I have more than enough. Go ahead, take one."

"Thank you."



"I'll pass…"

(Bunkichi) "…Because it'll take us forever to finish them all."

"I'll take some."

"No, it's okay…"

(Bunkichi) "He should be here helping customers… I'm sorry, (Protagonist)-chan."

"Who are you talking about?"

"It's okay."



Mitsuko seems sad.

"Who's 'he'?"

"What are you talking about?"

Bunkichi and Mitsuko's Persona 3 Portable Social Link, Rank 3

Your protagonist will receive Medicine after this scene.


Your Response

Points Earned With A Matching Persona

Points Earned Without A Matching Persona

(Bunkichi) "But, I can't seem to find it."

"Looking for something?"



"Cleaning the store?"

("Looking" answer selected") (Bunkichi) "I'm looking for my glasses… No, not my glasses–my wallet… I can't seem to find it."

"I hope you find it."



("Cleaning" answer selected)(Bunkichi) "…It's not my contact lens I'm looking for; it's my wallet. Now, where did I put it?"

"I'll help look for it."



(Mysterious Foreigner) "I go to ze same school–Gekkoukan!"

"Nice to meet you."

"Can I ask your name?"

(Mysterious Foreigner) "But, zey call me 'Bebe'!"

"Nice to meet you."

"N-Nice to meet you…"

(Mitsuko) "Why must you get into a car!? Do you want me to end up all alone!?"

"What about a car?"


(Bunkichi) "On the way home from work, he got into an accident… He was hit by a dump truck driver who was drunk on the job…"

"Was that so…"

"I'm sorry to hear that…"

This is the scene in which you'll formally meet Bebe, who is the "Mysterious Foreigner" in this scene.

You can't begin Bebe's social link until you get Bunkichi and Mitsuko's social link high enough, but you can begin it after this scene.

Bunkichi and Mitsuko's Persona 3 Portable Social Link, Rank 4

Your protagonist will receive Cyclon Tea after this scene.


Your Response

Points Earned With A Matching Persona

Points Earned Without A Matching Persona

(Bunkichi) "My wife just left for Gekkoukan."

"Maybe I'll run after her."



"I'll wait here."



Mitsuko looks pale.

"What's wrong?"


(Bunkichi) "Do you know anything about it, <protagonist>-chan?"

"I don't know."

"That makes me worry…"



Bunkichi and Mitsuko's Persona 3 Portable Social Link, Rank 5

Your protagonist will receive Crab Bread after this scene.


Your Response

Points Earned With A Matching Persona

Points Earned Without A Matching Persona

(Bunkichi) "I'm sorry for troubling you about the persimmon tree…"

"It's what you 'beleave'."



"What about a persimmon tree?"

(Mitsuko) "Why now…? Why do they want to cut it down now?"

"Cheer up."



"Don't worry."



Bunkichi and Mitsuko's Persona 3 Portable Social Link, Rank 6

Your protagonist will receive Fried Bread after this scene.


Your Response

Points Earned With A Matching Persona

Points Earned Without A Matching Persona

Mitsuko looks upset…

"You're worrying too much."

"Please stop fighting."



Bunkichi and Mitsuko seem really depressed.

"Cheer up."

"It'll be okay."

Bunkichi and Mitsuko's Persona 3 Portable Social Link, Rank 7

Your protagonist will receive Cielo Mist after this scene.


Your Response

Points Earned With A Matching Persona

Points Earned Without A Matching Persona

Mitsuko is crying.

"What's wrong?"






(Mitsuko) "They say the tree is a memorial to their former teacher… They don't want it to be cut down."

A tree? A memorial?""

"Thank goodness…"



(Bunkichi) "… (Protagonist)-chan, were you the one who called them all?"




"You can say that."



"I haven't a clue."



Bunkichi and Mitsuko's Persona 3 Portable Social Link, Rank 8


Your Response

Points Earned With A Matching Persona

Points Earned Without A Matching Persona

(Bunkichi) "Who do you think it was? Here's a hint: 'signature.'"

"A petitioner?"



"A fan of yours?"



(Bunkichi) "…AND he's gotten a lot of signatures from students who were in my son's class."

"That's great."

"That's wonderful."

(Bunkichi) "I have to tell my son the good news!"

"Let's go!"




Bunkichi and Mitsuko's Persona 3 Portable Social Link, Rank 9


Your Response

Points Earned With A Matching Persona

Points Earned Without A Matching Persona

(Bunkichi) "Am I finally losing it? I used to have an amazing vocabulary."

"What is it for?"



"Why are you writing one?"



(Bunkichi) "Well, aren't you curious?"

"The suspense is killing me!"

"I'm itching to know!"

Bunkichi and Mitsuko's Persona 3 Portable Social Link, Rank 10


Your Response

Points Earned With A Matching Persona

Points Earned Without A Matching Persona

Bunkichi is sleep talking.

Take a closer look

Leave him alone

(Bunkichi) "Even though it's the middle of the day, I feel so sleepy…"

"What problem?"

"Why are you relieved?"

(Bunkichi) "…I told them to cut the persimmon tree down."




"Are you sure?"

(Bunkichi) "I think it'd make our son happy, too. He was a teacher after all!"

"You're right."

"Are you really sure?"

Maxing your relationship with Bunkichi and Mitsuko completes the Hierophant social link, which allows you to fuse Kohryu, the strongest Persona of the Hierophant arcana.

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