Polish Government Giving Away This War Of Mine To Teach Students

This War of Mine is a harrowing video game about the horrors of war. Rather than putting you into the shoes of a heroic soldier or defiant rebel, This War of Mine has you playing as a group of civilians trying to survive in a city where war is raging all around you. The game's depiction of war is so unique that the Polish government has begun to give it away for free to help teach students.

"This War of Mine is the first supplementary reading in the form of a video game in the history of Polish education," the website reads. "The game was based on an analysis of a number of armed conflicts from the past few decades. Events such as the Warsaw Uprising, the Assault of Grozny or the war in Syria were analysed especially from the point of view of the fate of civilians."

It seems the Polish government is a big fan of the game. The website praises the game's interactivity, emotional layer, art style, and narrative that is shaped by the player. "This War of Mine portrays war in a way that is unprecedented in literature or cinema."

If you're still wondering why the government has decided to use this game to teach, the website explains its stance pretty well. "The tone of the game and its faithfulness to portraying harsh realities make it a helpful tool when talking to students about wars, their history and nature, as well as ethics, psychology, the value of human dignity, and how to behave when faced with situations that directly threaten life."

As well as just playing the game, the developers assisted with creating educational materials to be used in classes. The developer has also raised over half a million pounds for Ukraine and donated the game's profits to the Ukrainian Red Cross.

"In war, no matter which side considers itself victorious, there are no winners, only losers."

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