Shame Of The Year – All The Games I Wish I Had Played In 2022

We’ve made it to 2023. Everyone has finished their Game of the Year lists (myself included), and inevitably, my pile of shame has grown. I don’t think I’ll ever truly polish off the stack of games I keep meaning to play but never find the time to — I still have Xbox 360 games sealed. So, it’s safe to say I’m very behind.

There were several games that launched in 2022 that were already on my radar or that I had colleagues and friends recommend to me post-launch. I tried to cram in a few before I finished my GOTY list, but I ran out of time. For my Shame of the Year, I plan to play the 2022 titles I didn’t make time for.

The Case Of The Golden Idol

Highly recommended by Ryan Bamsey and Eric Switzer, this game takes the top spot for the title I wish I had managed to squeeze into 2022. This adventure puzzle game has you stepping into the role of a detective covering 12 different cases that span over 40 years.

I’ve heard a few people compare it to Return of the Obra Dinn — a game that I absolutely adore — so it’s likely a safe bet that I will enjoy The Case of the Golden Idol. It’ll be the first one I try on this list, so let’s hope I start strong.

I Was A Teenage Exocolonist

Most people wouldn’t want to repeat puberty as it’s one of the worst times of your life. I Was A Teenage Exocolonist has tempted me, though. It’s a narrative RPG where you take on the role of a teenager who is part of a group aiming to populate and colonise (hence the name) an alien planet. Jade King absolutely sang its praises, and the two things that appeal to me most are the stunningly beautiful artwork and the fact that your choices matter. You can fall in love, you can choose how you live your life, and you can even impact the survival of your colony. Sign me up. I’m ready to go to outer space.

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion

My copy of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 is still in a place of pride on my shelf, even though I haven’t switched my PSP on in years. I wanted to play Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion at launch, but November onwards is far too hectic to find the time to play anything for leisure in my role as Lead Guide Editors as it becomes all about the gift guides. That’s how Reunion ended up another victim of 2022 for me. I promise I’ll play you in all your remastered goodness in 2023.

Lucy Dreaming

I have a soft spot for point-and-click games, and if they feature classic pixel art graphics, they get bonus points. This is another game recommended by Ryan Bamsey, and given that it’s heavily inspired by point-and-click games of the ‘90s, I’m pretty sure this is my jam. You take on the role of Lucy and play through both dreams and reality, solving puzzles, searching for a murderer, and enjoying the abundant British humour throughout.

How To Say Goodbye

I first played How to Say Goodbye at EGX 2022, and I was impressed with the quaint graphics evocative of children’s picture books and simple yet challenging puzzle mechanics. Although I couldn’t wait to get my hands on the game, it just so happened that I was busy with other titles when it launched in November, so I haven’t had the time to give it my full attention. I aim to fix that in 2023.

Sunday Gold

Another Bamsey recommendation. What can I say? We like a lot of the same stuff. If Ryan enjoyed it, chances are I will too — especially when it comes to point-and-click puzzle games. Sunday Gold follows a trio of criminals attempting to expose an evil mega-corporation. On paper, it might sound a little cliché, but there’s something appealing about the striking style of the graphics, dark dystopian setting, and puzzle gameplay.

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