The Game Awards Is Scrubbing Its Stage Invader Out Of Photos

It seems like Geoff Keighley wants everyone to pretend that The Game Awards didn't have a Bill-Clinton-advocating stage invader, as the official Twitter account for the event has posted photos with Matan Even scrubbed out.

Thanks to moments like Christopher Judge's speech, flute guy's epic performance, and announcements for games like Death Stranding 2 and Hades 2, this year's The Game Awards was one of the most well-received in some time. There was one moment that's become synonymous with the event, though, and that's when teenager Matan Even invaded the stage as FromSoftware received the Game of the Year award and took the microphone to nominate his "reformed Orthodox rabbi Bill Clinton".

Matan Even was then carried away off-stage and escorted away by the police, with Geoff Keighley tweeting that he had been arrested for his actions. As it turns out, he hadn't, but it seems that Keighley would still rather that we pretend it didn't happen at all, as The Game Awards Twitter account has shared an image with Even blurred out.

Late last night, The Game Awards Twitter page shared an image celebrating FromSoftware's second Game of the Year win, noting that it had won the award previously in 2019 for Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Anyone who watched The Game Awards live will quickly realise that there's something a bit off about the photo used, however, as Matan Even was stood behind the FromSoftware developers during the moment that's been shared.

Taking a closer look at the photo makes it painfully obvious that someone has tried to digitally scrub Even from the photo, although the final result isn't perfect. His face and hair have been removed fairly well, but if you look a little further down near where his body is, you can see parts of his hands and neck. Once you've spotted that, you'll likely never be able to unsee Even, as his silhouette becomes easy to figure out from there. It was a nice try, though.

Although some seem to have not noticed that Even was scrubbed from the photo, the comments underneath the post will quickly clue you in, as there are people sharing the original version of the scene with Even in, posting memes about it, and giving tips on what the account should do next time to get Even out of the photo properly.

Some have even quickly whipped up their own edits of the image, which manage to get Even out of the photo without much trace of him being there. If that fails, a few people have pointed out that there some moments during the acceptance speech where Even wasn't on camera, and that the Twitter account could have just used those instead of the photoshopped version.

Matan doesn't seem to have seen the tweets removing him from the scene just yet, but considering how much he's been posting about his Game Awards appearance, it seems likely that he'll have something to say about it at some point in the future.

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