Valorant: Best Team Compositions For Every Map

The beauty of Valorant is that it offers players a lot of flexibility when it comes to creating a five-player lineup. When you combine different skills and come up with a perfect strategy, you can easily conquer a map whether you’re attacking or defending.

Of course, it all comes down to preference at the end of the day. You will need to rely on the strengths of the players on your team, and different team comps will work for anyone. If you’re looking for a solid squad and haven’t settled into a preferred lineup yet, this list should give you a good idea of the best teams based on agent win rates, the pro meta, and ability combos.

Split is not included in this list because it is no longer in rotation in Competitive and Unrated modes.

7/7 Ascent

Agent Brimstone Killjoy Reyna Sova KAY/O
Win Rate 50.2% 49.8% 49.2% 49% 45.1%

At a glance, you may turn your nose up at the presence of both KAY/O and Sova in one team, but Ascent is one of the only maps where this combo can be essential if you want to cover all the bases.

With a solid Killjoy setup and a Sova ready to provide info, enemies will be hard-pressed to enter a site without taking any hits. Should you require a retake, KAY/O and Reyna’s combined suppression and blinds will give you a solid advantage. For cover, Brimstone’s reach and number of smokes are a good way to protect both mid and one of the main sites.

This lineup is also a very safe pick for attacking, as you have ample utilities for attacking different angles. Whether you want to go from mid or enter head-on, a strategic combination of Brimstone, Sova, and Reyna can launch entry with Killjoy and KAY/O on support covering lurkers. Even in the pro scene, teams like Sentinels prefer to use a team comp in Ascent that includes Sova, KAY/O, and Killjoy.

6/7 Bind

Agent Brimstone Raze Sage Skye Astra
Win Rate 49.7% 49.3% 49.3% 48.4% 48.1%

Bind is firmly split into two sites with no middle section. Despite that, it also has multiple entry points that can either be detrimental or a real advantage.

Defensively, Brimstone takes the lead as Astra and Sage provide support when it comes to covering corners and preventing split pushes. Astra’s stars also serve post-plant well, and her ultimate combined with Skye’s ultimate and Sage’s wall do wonders in funneling opponents and securing angles.

Skye and Raze make a great offensive duo as Skye’s flashes and wolf can curve into corners as Raze’s high-impact attacks follow right after. The current pro meta sees Skye, Raze, and Brimstone utilized effectively. While Sage drops off in the pro scene, she is still a valuable pick with a significantly high win rate. It also doesn’t hurt to have two healers on the team.

5/7 Breeze

Agent Viper Jett Chamber Sova KAY/O
Win Rate 49.1% 49.1% 48.9% 48.5% 45.7%

For Breeze, Reyna actually has a higher win rate than Jett. However, Jett’s utils make her a better pick when trying to create this particular five-man lineup. Breeze is a huge and mostly open map, so you need a duelist that can maneuver through it with ease.

This makes Jett a must, especially when combining her smokes with arguably the most essential pick in this map, Viper. Control is your friend in Breeze, and Viper’s wall and smoke utils are game-changers in that goal. Whether you’re defending or attacking, you can have the advantage and flexibility you need to manipulate the enemy’s route.

This is another map that sees pro players favoring a Sova-KAY/O combo because they have the utils necessary to provide enemy positions despite the map’s largeness. As for covering corners and anti-flank, Chamber is a popular pick that can cover a lot of ground with ease.

4/7 Fracture

Agent Chamber Brimstone Raze Fade Breach
Win Rate 50% 49.9% 48.9% 48.5% 48.1%

Fracture is quite notorious for being a map no one likes. As such, lineups change often. Popular picks in both the 2022 pro scene and higher tiers are Fade and Chamber, with the latter never being absent in a full-team composition. Following behind is Brimstone, who also tops the win rate overall in Competitive matches.

Brimstone edges out Viper as a pick because of his flexible choice of smoke placement to block vision, which is crucial in a map with so many entry points. If you’re attacking, Fade, Breach, and Brimstone make a powerful trio that can get information, stun enemies, and makes space for a roomy entry that Raze can capitalize on. From there, Chamber can quickly pick off lurkers and prevent flanks.

For both defense and post-plant tactics, Brimstone can block off vision while Chamber and Breach ensure that any attempts at retake or attack are squashed. Breach and Fade also have the best ultimates to take over entire sites and root out any strays.

3/7 Haven

Agent Killjoy Skye Jett Omen Breach
Win Rate 49.8% 48.2% 48.2% 47.9% 47.9%

This is another five-man lineup that mixes the choices of pro meta and the agents that see a lot of wins in general competitive matches. Haven is a particularly interesting map considering it is the only one with three distinctive sites.

Killjoy is a great pick that tops competitive wins and also stands as a consistent pro pick because she works as a sub-controller despite being a sentinel. Her setups and ultimate are great for locking down a site, making room for other agents like Omen and Skye to scout other sites.

Breach and Skye duo as initiators, with their utils having solid reach across the long-winded sections of the map. Although Phoenix is a solo choice with a high win rate, Jett fits into the team better with a smoke-and-dash tactic that complements Skye’s flashes and Breach’s faultline.

Finally, Omen stands out as the prime smoker for this map because of his smoke reach and ability to teleport. With three sites to potentially attack or defend, this makes him the most viable controller to cover ground and set the stage.

2/7 Icebox

Agent Killjoy Viper Sage Chamber Sova
Win Rate 49.6% 49.3% 49.2% 48.9% 48.3%

Icebox is a map that sees very little change in its best lineup, despite the changes done in recent updates. Both in the VCT pro meta and general Competitive matches, the team comp you’ll want is Viper, Sova, Sage, Chamber, and Killjoy. You may feel off not having a duelist on your team, but the layout of this map makes other skills more viable.

Viper is a set pick here because her wall provides great cover and angle manipulation whether you set her in A site, B site, or mid. Her wall is also a great map control tool whether you’re defending or attacking. Chamber is the perfect agent to pick off enemies on both sides thanks to his teleport and quick-trigger utils.

For post-plant and defense, Killjoy and Viper’s combined utils are a menace for any enemy to contend with. Sova remains the classic initiator choice because of the coverage of his recon bolt, along with the close-corner checks of his drone.

This team lineup is also a beast when everyone has their ultimates ready. Viper and Killjoy clear out the site and protect the planter or defuser, while Sova and Chamber can pick off any enemy that attempts to engage. Finally, Sage can revive fallen comrades at crucial sections while her wall and slow orb funnel and detract the opposition. Sage’s abilities also make for a great pair with Killjoy and Viper in setting up sites and preventing retakes.

1/7 Pearl

Agent Neon Astra Fade KAY/O Cypher
Win Rate 49.1% 49.1% 49% 48.8% 46.8%

Pearl is a large map with multiple entryways and choke points, so off-angles and map control are a must. This is where Cypher, Astra, and Fade stand out with their utils. Fade and Cypher capture information without endangering the team, then Astra easily places her stars to root out enemies in hard-to-clear sections.

KAY/O is a great initiator for this map simply because his knife is a useful tool no matter what area you’re defending or attacking. KAY/O and Astra can then combine their utils to stall enemies from entering, planting, or defusing.

Finally, Neon is an amazing duelist for Pearl because of her speed and ability to secure a site. Her wall provides a safe point of entry that limits vision from the many angles apparent in this map, while her stuns and sprint allow her to get multiple picks if used correctly.

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