White Day: A Labyrinth Named School – Ghost Story Location Guide

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  • The Housemistress Spirit
  • The Impassable Bridge
  • Boy, Kills Girl
  • A Woman Locked In The Closet
  • The Ghost Tree
  • The Wailing From The Art Room
  • The Secret Of The Pond
  • Extreme Dieting Death
  • The Lost Face
  • Competitive Spirit
  • An Incorrectly Solved Math Problem
  • Find My Body For Me
  • A One-Sided Love
  • The Mystery In The Dance Studio
  • The Kid In The Corner
  • Tragedy Brought By Jealousy
  • A Voice That Beckons Me
  • The Mystery In The Biology Lab
  • The Mermaid
  • The Missing Children

Ghost Stories in White Day: A Labyrinth Named School are a series of notes you will find while playing the game. Scattered through Yeondu High, these notes describe the various ghosts you can encounter on your playthrough. They are great at enriching the atmosphere surrounding the school and can offer useful tips about the locations of the ghosts and how to meet them.

But finding all of them is not an easy task. A lot of the stories are possible to find only when playing on normal mode or above, not to mention a hefty chunk of them are hidden behind complicated puzzles.

The Housemistress Spirit

Ghost Story Where To Find Correlated Puzzle
The Housemistress Spirit Found in the Faculty Office 2 (Main Building 2) in the drawer of the desk with the typewriter on top. You will need to obtain a Small Master Key, found in a Student Department Office, in a box on a wall. The box hanging from the wall requires a password to unlock. To find the correct digits, you will need to collect typewriter buttons:

  • In the Gym Storage Room, in the far right corner on the floor behind school equipment (Main Building 1)
  • On the stairs going to the basement, near school bathrooms (Main Building 1)
  • In the Faculty Office 2 lounge room, near the air conditioner (Main Building 2)
  • Under the stairs near History Room (New Building)

By inserting these buttons into the typewriter, a document will appear, called Dying Message, that hides the code to the box in the Student Department Office.

The Impassable Bridge

Ghost Story Where To Find Correlated Puzzle
The Impassable Bridge Found in the Chairman's Office Safe (New Building). You will need to find the left and right Eye-testing Lens:

  • Left is found in Student Department Office (Main Building 2) on a chair
  • Right is found in Music Appreciation Room (New Building) behind the speaker

Look at the eyesight test in the Nurse's Office (Main Building 2) and look for the letters and symbols with a circle around them. This is the code to the Chairman's Safe.

Boy, Kills Girl

Ghost Story Where To Find Correlated Puzzle

Boy, Kills Girl

Found under the drawer of the cabinet drawer set in the hallway of Main Building 1, First floor. Acquire a wooden handle from the right drawer of the principal's desk (Main Building 2). Open the drawer on the cabinet draw set and inspect its bottom for a secret compartment.

A Woman Locked In The Closet

Ghost Story Where To Find Correlated Puzzle

A Woman Locked in the Closet

Found in the Broadcasting Room (Main Building 1). N/A

The Ghost Tree

Ghost Story Where To Find Correlated Puzzle

The Ghost Tree

Found in the Photocopier at Student Records Office (Main Building 1). N/A

The Wailing From The Art Room

Ghost Story Where To Find Correlated Puzzle

The Wailing from the Art Room

Found in the Opinion Box near the Workshop (Main Building 1). You need to combine Yellow and Dark keys using the machine in the Workshop (Main Building 1) Here's how to collect all of them:

  • The yellow key is found inside the drawer in Reading Room (New Building)
  • The red key is found inside the Key Box in the Main Office (Main Building 1)
  • The blue key is found at the Rooftop (New Building)
  • The dark key is found inside the Counseling Box near Classroom 2-5 (Main Building 1). You will need to combine the Red and Blue keys to open it.

The Secret Of The Pond

Ghost Story Where To Find Correlated Puzzle

The Secret Of The Pond

Found behind the water dispenser near Girls' Bathroom (Main Building 1), first floor. N/A

Extreme Dieting Death

Ghost Story Where To Find Correlated Puzzle

Extreme Dieting Death

Found in History Room, under the picture frame containing Paper Cranes (New Building). To obtain this Story, you will need to collect five Paper Cranes. Here's how to find all of them:

  • One can be found in the drawer of the Grandfather Clock (Main Building 1)
  • One in the Opinion Box near the Gym Storage Room (Main Building 1, you will need the Dark/Blue key combined)
  • One on the bed in the Nurse's Office (Main Building 2)
  • One inside the 4th stall of the Girls' Bathroom (Main building 2, 1 floor)
  • The Last one on the Whiteboard Shelf, Classroom 3-4 (New Building)

Place the Paper Cranes in the picture frame around the center, and the note will drop.

The Lost Face

Ghost Story Where To Find Correlated Puzzle

The Lost Face

Found inside the box in the Music Appreciation Room (New Building).
  • You will need the Red/Yellow key combination. Open the Opinion Box near Classroom 2-3 (Main Building 1) and grab the Morse Code Chant.
  • Using the Metronome in the Music Supplies Room (Main building 2), find the code for the box using the Morse Code Chart.

Competitive Spirit

Ghost Story Where To Find Correlated Puzzle

Competitive spirit

Found in the Biology Lab (Main Building 2), under one of the desks. N/A

An Incorrectly Solved Math Problem

Ghost Story Where To Find Correlated Puzzle

An Incorrectly Solved Math Problem

Found under the class schedule, Classroom 2-7 (Main Building 1). To find this Story, you will need to collect pieces of the Mathematics Class Schedule; here's their location:

  • On the class schedule in Classroom 2-1 (Main Building 1)
  • On the class schedule in Classroom 2-5 (Main Building 1)
  • On the class schedule in Classroom 2-12 (Main Building 1)
  • On the floor in Classroom 3-4 (New Building)
  • Under the desk in Classroom 3-11 (New Building)

Place them on the class schedule in Classroom 2-7 to find the note.

Find My Body For Me

Ghost Story Where To Find Correlated Puzzle

Find My Body for Me

Found on the windowsill near Music Room (Main Building 2). N/A

A One-Sided Love

Ghost Story Where To Find Correlated Puzzle

A One-Sided Love

Found in the crack of the wooden floor, near the Music room (Main Building 2). Walk around the corridor to find the creaking piece of the wooden floor. Step on it a few times to break it and find the note.

The Mystery In The Dance Studio

Ghost Story Where To Find Correlated Puzzle

The Mystery in the Dance Studio

Found near the stairs of the Rooftop doors (New Building). N/A

The Kid In The Corner

Ghost Story Where To Find Correlated Puzzle

The Kid in the Corner

Falls down on the table with scales at Earth Science Lab (New Building). You will need to acquire four weights out of five (50g, 30g, 5g, and 1g) and a Preserved Spider:

  • The Spider is found in the Biology Supplies Room (Main Building 2)
  • 1g weight is located in the cabinet in Classroom 2-4 (Main Building 1)
  • 5g weight is found behind the desk at the Student Records Office (Main Building 1)
  • 10g weight can be found in the Science Supplies Room (Main Building 2)
  • 30g weight is located in the Boys' Bathroom on the third floor (Main Building 2)
  • 50g is found in the corner of the Dance Studio (New Building)

Place the 50g, 30g, 5g, and 1g weights on the scales, and the note will drop.

Tragedy Brought By Jealousy

Ghost Story Where To Find Correlated Puzzle

Tragedy Brought by Jealousy

Found in the Globe at the Resource Center (New Building). You will need to acquire five pins and a note called A Girl's Dream to solve this puzzle:

  • The note can be found in Classroom 3-8 (New Building)
  • One pin can be found in the wash basin in the Girls' Bathroom on the third floor (Main Building 2)
  • One is found in Faculty Office 2, on the chalkboard (Main Building 2)
  • One is located in Faculty Office 1, on a table (Main Building 2)
  • One is in the Resource Center, on one of the desks near the window (New Building)
  • The last one is in the Reading Room, on one of the books on the shelf (New Building)

Using the note, figure out the specific points where the pins should be placed on the globe. If you don't want to wrack your brains too much, the countries are – Egypt, Argentina, Canada, Australia, and the Netherlands.

A Voice That Beckons Me

Ghost Story Where To Find Correlated Puzzle

Voice that Beckons Me

Found in the cabinet in Classroom 2-8 (main Building 1). N/A

The Mystery In The Biology Lab

Ghost Story Where To Find Correlated Puzzle

The Mystery in the Biology Lab

Found in the Electrical Room, behind one of the generators (New Building). N/A

The Mermaid

Ghost Story Where To Find Correlated Puzzle


Found in the small green room near the set of stairs leading to the rooftop (New Building). N/A

The Missing Children

Ghost Story Where To Find Correlated Puzzle

The Missing Children

Found under the portraits of the school's principals at Faculty Office 1 (Main Building 2).
  • Look at the arrangement of the principal's portraits at the Chairman's Office (New building)
  • Arrange the portraits at Faculty Office 1 (Main Building 2) in the same order. After that, the note will fall down.

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