VP.Prodigy join Virtus.pro at WePlay! Pushka League

CIS qualifiers for the first season of WePlay! Pushka League have come to a close. The young team of Virtus.pro dominated the competition and took down Empire.Hope 2-0 in the grand finals to claim the only CIS slot into the main division.

VP.Prodigy was announced at the beginning of the month, and in the meantime, the varsity squad has already claimed a tournament title at GG.Bet StayHome Challenge, an online tournament that featured teams that have been somewhat delivering surprises at ESL One Los Angeles Online. The WePlay! Pushka League will pit them against other six CIS teams in the group stage, including Virtus.pro’s main team. It will be an interesting match-up to watch, given that both teams know each other extremely well and the two youngsters Egor “epileptick1d” Grigorenko and Vitalie “Save-” Melnic will surely want to show their former captain, Alexey “Solo” Berezin, how they developed since they’ve been let go from the main roster.

The VP versus VP.Prodigy battle is scheduled for April 26 at 16:00 CET, and while the Division 1 of Pushka League goes on from April 23 to May 12, the event also features a secondary Division with the teams that failed in the main qualifiers. So, Empire.Hope, Cyber Legacy, Cyber TRAKTOR and NOVA will fight for a shot at advancing in the primary division of next season. 


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