10 Game Characters That Totally Wouldn’t Reach For The Check After A Nice Dinner

Everyone has their own favorite video game character, and their own reasons for what makes that character their favorite. Maybe you like someone's edgy, blonde anime-boy hair, or you enjoy their never-say-die attitude in the face of total annihilation.

I personally like characters that I connect with on an emotional level. Those that I can really understand through their dialogue and actions, the kinds of characters you'd like to sit down, have some food, and have a nice chat with. Despite that, I have a suspicion many of those characters would do just about anything in their power to avoid the check.

10 Claptrap – Borderlands

We all know exactly what Borderlands' Claptrap would do during a night out. It would order the most expensive things on the menu, despite not being able to eat any of the food, make some of the worst jokes possible, and probably make most of the wait-staff incredibly uncomfortable.

There's no way that peppy little robot would ever intend to pick up a check of any kind. It would probably make the night miserable, and everyone around would probably be wondering why a strange robot keeps referring to you as its minion.

9 Luigi – Super Mario Bros.

I think we can all agree that if the check came around during a dinner with Mario, he'd slap his hand down on that thing quicker than you could shout WAHOO! but Luigi is a different story. There'd likely be that tense dance of just who will be the one to reach for the check.

Of course, Luigi has no intention of doing so, he just wants to seem like he's thinking about it. There was never a chance Luigi would pay, he intentionally left his wallet in his other overalls. After all, paying involves dealing with the waitstaff and human connection is scary.

8 Revali – Breath Of The Wild

I just assume Revali treats pretty much everyone the same way he treats Link during the events of Breath Of The Wild. It's that very thing that tells me there is no chance he'd be reaching for the check without a lot of additional coaxing.

The only way anyone would even have a slight chance at getting Revali to pay would be if they turned it into some kind of competition. Who can pay the most? Maybe then Revali would offer up the rupees for supper, but even that is still a stretch since he seems to hate everyone.

7 Byleth – Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Byleth may be an absolute problem solver, but that doesn't mean they'd be likely to pick up the check. I'll admit that I'm pretty easy to flatter, and we all know how smooth Byleth can be. I'd probably find myself too charmed to not reach for that check before it can even hit the table.

It's all part of Byleth's insidious plan to never pay for a meal. Be so charming that everyone around them will always be there to pay for them. Maybe it's fair considering they solve pretty much any problem that those in their life face, but still, it's nice to not have to pay sometimes.

6 Sora – Kingdom Hearts

I can't begin to imagine what a dinner with Sora might look like. I'd be trying to talk about future plans and goals, and Sora would just reply with a quick quip about the power of friendship. The entire meal, I'd know what he was getting at with those comments.

True friends pay for other friends, don't they Sora? But in this case, I'm the true friend that has to pay. I'd likely turn into a heartless before Sora ever reached for a check, simply waiting with that goofy grin, knowing I'd eventually give in and pay.

5 Snake – Metal Gear Solid

To be fair, just getting to have dinner with a person as interesting as any of the incarnations of Snake would be worth paying for alone. Hearing about the worldwide adventures of an incredible operative would be enough to make me forget about the check altogether.

Of course, it would eventually come, and as I would look back toward Snake, I would find that he was gone. In his place, there is nothing, but a few feet away lies a suspicious cardboard box. He never intended to pay, Snake is far too skilled to have to pay for dinner.

4 Ness – Earthbound

Ness may just be a kid, but anyone who's good at Earthbound knows that he can rack up a pretty expensive tab. He wouldn't reach for the check though, he'd probably just sit there staring at me, never saying a single word.

His dark, beady eyes would burn into my soul. He might not even be meaning to guilt trip me, but it would be enough. I'd cave and reach for that check. Ness was never going to, and if he wanted, he could probably just use some power to make me pay anyway.

3 Sheik – Ocarina Of Time

A dinner with Sheik could be an interesting one. It would probably end up being filled with nothing but cryptic warnings, a few hints, and maybe even a little music, but it still could be fun. We all know exactly why Sheik wouldn't be reaching for the check.

Before that dreaded number even got anywhere near the table, Sheik would have blinded all the inhabitants of the restaurant with one of the brightest deku nuts possible. I'd be stuck with the check and the need to explain what just happened to a crowd of confused people.

2 Yennefer – The Witcher 3

I don't think Yennefer would end up actually paying for most things, and a dinner is definitely one of those things. It would probably be difficult enough to find a place that lived up to her standards, and even tougher to ensure no one in the venue got on her bad side.

In a way, it's kind of a good thing that she wouldn't reach for the check. Paying may lead to someone ending up on her good side, and maybe getting to see the stuffed unicorn. That probably wouldn't be the case, but a man can dream!

1 Agent 47 – Hitman

Simply making it through a dinner with Agent 47 across from you would be an achievement for anyone. If the food didn't take you out, being able to pay would almost be a prize, but Agent 47 knows that, so he knows that while he's packin' he isn't packin' a wallet.

Why would Agent 47 reach for the check when he could take out everyone in the restaurant and assume the identity of the owner? He could simply decide the restaurant was his, and there wouldn't be anyone capable of arguing with that fact.

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