Avatar 3 Will Introduce Fire Nation, Confusing Everyone

Avatar 2 moved away from the Na'vi of the woods to the Na'vi of the ocean, with the subtitle The Way of Water, prompting even more jokes about the odd similarities between it and The Last Airbender. But director James Cameron is only adding fuel to the fire with Avatar 3.

As spotted by Games Radar, Cameron told French publication 20 Minutes that Avatar 3 will feature "different cultures from those I have already shown. The fire will be represented by the 'Ash People.' I want to show the Na'vi from another angle because, so far, I have only shown their good sides."

A more villainous nation centered around fire, lurking somewhere in the distance, that will change everything when they appear. Sounds an awful lot like The Last Airbender, eh? Regardless, that's what Cameron has planned for the sequel, with the intent to show a darker side of the Na'vi than we've previously seen.

"In the early films, there are very negative human examples and very positive Na'vi examples," Cameron said. "In Avatar 3, we will do the opposite. We will also explore new worlds, while continuing the story of the main characters. I can say that the last parts will be the best. The others were an introduction, a way to set the table before serving the meal. But, obviously, everything will depend on how Avatar 2 is received, if it finds its audience."

Avatar: The Way of Water is a hit at the box office, making $457 million domestically, and $1 billion worldwide. It's on track to hit $2 billion, but whether it comes close to toppling its predecessor remains to be seen. Regardless, it's competing with superhero blockbusters that have dominated cinema since 2008, despite taking a lengthy hiatus between releases.

All that's left for Avatar is Air, if we're continuing this The Last Airbender trend – sky Na'vi that reach the stars, maybe. And at the center of it all is Jake Sully, who could master Air, Water, Fire, and Earth by the end. Deja vu, anyone?

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