Beginner Tips For Playing Blitzcrank In Wild Rift

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  • Know Your Skills
  • Learning About Item Loadouts

League Of Legends: Wild Rift has a bunch of Champions, but they largely fall into broad categories that cover specific roles within a team scenario. These are Marksman, Mid, Top, Jungler, and arguably the most important role, Support. This is where the focus of our guide comes in – Blitzcrank, the arm-stretching mechanical wonder.

Blitzcrank is one of the most iconic characters in all of League Of Legends due to his game-changing kit. More specifically, his ability to reach out and touch just about anyone, at any time, from (almost) anywhere. Physical boundaries mean nothing to Blitzcrank, and mastering him will require a mastery of his grab. Let's dive in.

Since Blitzcrank is primarily a Support, it means that you will rarely be playing alone. In fact, you should always be accompanying a Marksman in the bottom lane.

Know Your Skills

Mana Barrier (Passive Skill) Blitzcrank gains a Shield based on his mana when dropping to low HP. This gives Blitzcrank a deceptive amount of survivability.
Rocket Grab This is the reason you take Blitzcrank. This move is staggeringly good, as it displaces an enemy champion by dragging them to you. This is a death sentence to most characters who are hit by it in the mid/late game. Get good at aiming and landing these.
Overdrive Blitzcrank buffs his movement and attack speed. When the effect ends, his movement is debuffed for a short time. Great for chasing, dealing damage, and closing distance so you can land a Rocket Grab.
Power Fist Power Fist is Blitzcranks other amazing support skill. His next attack is a guaranteed critical hit and knocks his opponent into the air. This skill works amazingly with Rocket Grab as you can lock down an enemy for an extended period, giving your team plenty of time to finish them off.
Static Field Blitzcrank’s Ultimate has two elements. Passively, Blitzcrank marks enemies when he attacks, dealing bonus delayed damage. When activated, however, Blitzcrank deals damage in a large AOE around him, and briefly silences enemies. Great in most situations, but especially good at, you guessed it, messing with an enemy who was Rocket Grabbed. This will prevent them from popping mobility skills to escape.

What Attacks To Charge First

  1. Firstly you absolutely want to take Rocket Grab first. This attack is too good and it is the core of Blitzcrank’s playstyle. Delaying this mostly invalidates your character. You will also want to prioritise this for future levelling up once you’ve unlocked all of your skills.
  2. Next up is Power Fist. Your combo is basically locked in at level 2, and this makes you a nightmare. You can assassinate the enemy Marksman and Support with ease using this combo – especially with Jungler support.
  3. Pick up Overdrive to give you some utility and expand your threat range. This will be the last ability you upgrade as every other skill in his kit outshines it.
  4. Whenever you get the opportunity, pick up Static Field. The damage increase is very nice and it can help secure kills.

Learning About Item Loadouts

Support Tank

This is Blitzcrank’s default loadout and it does exactly what it says on the tin. It is all about boosting Blitzcrank’s defences. This allows Blitzcrank to get into the thick of it, deal his damage, and get into position to land those sneaky Rocket Grabs.

Relic Shield This is a great starter item. It allows Blitzcrank to gain Gold faster without impacting your Marksman and even provides a small heal. Stat-wise, Relic Shield grants a nice boost to your HP. Finally, it transforms into Targon’s Buckler once it earns 500 Gold, which is a nice boost.
Winter’s Approach Winter’s Approach provides everything Blitzcrank wants. Firstly, it provides HP, making you more survivable. It also provides a hefty chunk of Mana, which also increases your Mana Barrier’s effectiveness. Not only that, but it also passively grants more HP based on your total Mana AND grants Mana per attack, eventually transforming into Fimbulwinter.
Ionian Locket Blitzcrank doesn’t provide much protection for their team in the traditional sense. This is where Ionion Locket comes into play. This item lets Blitzcrank shield his allies for a brief time, making them harder to kill during a fight.
Zeke’s Convergence Another excellent choice that boosts Armour, Resistance, and Mana – all things Blitzcrank loves. It can also be activated to boost your allies, increasing their damage.
Dead Man’s Plate Another defensive item that boosts HP and Armour. Not only that, but it also gives Blitzcrank a nice boost to bust damage thanks to Momentum. Ideal when combined with the likes of Power Fist or Rocket Grab.
Abyssal Mask Finally, abyssal Mask grants HP, Mana, and Resistance, increasing Blitzcrank’s survivability even further. It also debuffs enemies making them less resistant to magic damage.

Scaling Mage Tank

This build is still tanky but focuses more on damage than pure mitigation.

Relic Shield Same as above – just an excellent starting item.
Winter’s Approach Again, great item.
Ionian Glory Ionian Glory is incredibly disruptive and perfect on a more aggressive Blitzcrank. It allows you to run towards the enemy team (stacks with Overdrive) before unleashing a slowing shockwave. Great for chasing fleeing enemies.
Dead Man’s Plate The bonus Momentum damage works wonders with this build.
Force Of Nature Bonus HP and Resistance with a dash of movement speed make Blitzcrank harder to kill, and harder to escape from.
Iceborn Gauntlet The final piece of the puzzle. Bonuses to HP, Armour, and Mana make Blitzcrank even tankier. It also allows him to trigger bonus damage on attacks after a skill is used, giving Blitzcrank even more burst.

A Quick Note On Spells

Flash is almost a must on every champion – it is just that good. Flash allows Blitzcrank to do so much – chase, escape, dodge, reposition, land grabs, etc. The best utility tool in the game.

We enjoy running Ignite on Blitzcrank since he is such an aggressive Champion. This will help him deal more damage, and deal it from a distance which is not a thing Blitzcrank can normally do.

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