Blind Drive Is An Upcoming ‘Comedy-Thriller’ That Can Be Played With Your Eyes Closed

Lo-Fi People has revealed that its upcoming audio-based comedy-thriller Blind Drive will be launching for PC, iOS, and Android on March 10. To celebrate the announcement, a new demo is available for download during the Steam Game Festival.

Blind Drive is probably the strangest game yet to be shown off in 2021. You’ll take control of a kidnapped driver who has been blindfolded and is guided down the road by a mysterious voice. To make things even weirder? They’ve kidnapped your grandma, too.

While Blind Drive includes a few visual indicators, the majority of the game is played with your ears. Listen to traffic patterns, focus on the instructions given to you by the mysterious caller, and do everything you possibly can to not slam into an ice cream truck.

“Relying on hearing, instincts, and reflexes alone, players will need to drive against the traffic and make it to safety, while a hilarious B-move crime-comedy story plays out around them,” said Lo-Fi People. “Previously chosen for inclusion in several prestigious gaming events, such as EGX’s Leftfield Collection, A MAZE Festival, and Fantastic Arcade, Blind Drive has made a huge impact on show attendees everywhere.”

If you’re interested in giving Blind Drive a listen, a demo is currently available on Steam. You can also add the game to your Wishlist. The full game will feature a cast of voice actors, 28 levels – including boss fights – and full gamepad support. Its story is still under wraps, but will revolve around “a ridiculous crime-comedy story with mobsters, dolphins, and one angry grandmother.”

Blind Drive sounds like a weird step forward in the world of game design, and it’ll be curious to see how the full experience plays out. Everything about the game seems hilarious on paper, and we’re excited to get our hands on the game on March 10.

Blind Drive will be available on PC, iOS, and Android on March 10. You can also find a demo on Steam during the Steam Game Festival.

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Jon Bitner is an Associate Editor for TheGamer. His passion for gaming started with his first console (Sega Genesis) and he hasn’t stopped playing since. His favorite titles include The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Team Fortress 2, Rainbow Six Siege, Pokémon Sword & Shield, Old School Runescape, Skyrim, and Breath of the Wild. He can usually be found playing the latest RPG, FPS, or some obscure mobile game. Before working as Associate News Editor, Jon earned a Biology degree and worked in the Biotechnology sector — experiences that taught him how to put words together and make sentences. When not playing or writing about the gaming industry, he enjoys sleeping, eating, and staring at birds.

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