Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion – How To Obtain Genji Equipment

From as far back as the earliest days of this decades-old series, Genji Gear has been a part of Final Fantasy history. While the word 'Genji' clearly has its real-world roots, Square Enix (then known as Squaresoft) took it to imply the highest-quality equipment Final Fantasy characters could find.

While Genji attire isn't always the best gear, it is most assuredly up there; and in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion, there is simply no competition. Such lofty status makes Genji incredibly tough to come by, though we dare say it's moderately easier when you know where to look. Hence, this guide.

Where To Find Every Piece Of Genji Gear

There's not much need for prelude for a topic like this, so we're going to dive straight ahead. Here, you'll learn how to acquire the Genji Helm, Genji Armor, Genji Glove, and Genji Shield, which collectively form the quartet of Genji pieces available in Crisis Core. Each is suitably fantastic and worthy of a slot in Zack's accessory lineup.

Genji Helm

By far the most expensive purchase in the game, the Genji Helm can only be bought from the Net Shade Shop, for the outrageous (albeit warranted) price tag of one million gil. Unlocking the Net Shade Shop is an ordeal in its own right, which is why we have a guide devoted entirely to the process of unlocking new shops.

The Genji Helm has two things going for it, one substantially niftier than the other. First, it enables Libra at all times. In our experience, however, seeing the precise number of HP an enemy has in Crisis Core isn't a huge deal, since we already have insight via a health bar. On the other hand, the Genji Helm nullifies MP and AP costs, so you can sling endless magic and/or ability attacks upon hordes of foes, keeping them at bay until they're dead and dusted.

Genji Armor

The largest piece in this technically-invisible set of equipment, Genji Armor enables permanent Endure and Regen, whilst setting Zack's max HP above its ordinary 9,999 cap and up to 99,999. There are other accessories that do one or the other, but with only four accessory slots to work with, combination is key.

Unfortunately, the Genji Armor also has arguably the steepest retrieval cost. You must max out the entire DMW wheel to receive it, so you not only have to obtain every reel (characters, summons, and mascot summons), but view every sequence for each.

Genji Glove

The latter half of the Genji lineup is found via dungeons in optional missions. For the Genji Glove, it spawns in a treasure chest during Mission 9-6-4 'Biomechanical Threats'. When equipped, Genji Glove enables auto-critical to ensure every strike gets extra damage in whilst also elevating the damage cap to 99,999. Again, there are accessories that do these individually, but nothing beats the Glove.

Genji Shield

This one's a bit of a headacche. In Mission 7-6-6, you must trigger a random encounter that includes a Magic Pot, then acquiesce to several demands. It wants you to use Gil Toss, then Costly Punch, and finally, Octaslash. Failure to do so prompts it to flee, but it can be made to respawn.

Lucky Genji Shield bearers get Barrier, MBarrier, imperviousness to status effects, and absorption of all elemental attacks. Excellence.

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