Death End Re;Quest 2 – How To Beat Frenzied Midra

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  • Frenzied Midra’s Stats
  • Attacks
  • Preparing For Battle
  • Battle Strategy

You are rapidly approaching the finale of Death end re;Quest 2, with Mother Midra guarding the last stretch of the game. As Midra has been the primary antagonist this whole time, she is quite the formidable foe who is more than capable of slapping you around if you let her.

A great set of skills backed by a strange statline turns Midra into a beast worthy of being called a final boss – only she isn’t. She is merely the starter to something greater. That being said, you will have to use every skill at your disposal to keep her at bay.

Frenzied Midra’s Stats

Stat Value
HP 350000
ATK 900
DEF 1000
MAT 900
MDF 1000
AGI 550
Weakness Sun

Looking at Frenzied Midra’s stats, you may be slightly confused. Frenzied Midra's stats are good, but they are not as high as the previous boss, Skinshank. This is because Frenzied Midra is a glass cannon. Frenzied Midra’s attack stats may be on the low side, but her attacks have high scaling. Her defense may be lacking, but she has high evasion. Frenzied Midra is very much a Succubus 2.0.


Frenzied Midra hits like a truck. Like with every boss in the game post-Kidnapper, Frenzied Midra is more than capable of killing any party member in a single strike. Considering we are this late into the game, and Frenzied Midra can attack multiple times per turn – this is rather concerning.

Thankfully, Frenzied Midra has no means to counter her weakness, and she can’t heal. If you hit her hard enough, you can kill Frenzied Midra before she gets the opportunity to deal damage – this is especially true when you take into consideration the battlefield you are fighting on.

Preparing For Battle


You will need to go into this fight with high Corruption, so your party can enter Glitch Form as soon as is needed. There are a lot of Bugs in this arena, and they are mostly your standard buffs. Mostly – not all. Scattered amongst the chaff are Invulnerability Bugs. These can be gathered to make party members immune to damage for a whole turn.

These bugs are incredibly valuable. The last thing you want to do is knock Frenzied Midra into them, so make sure you aim your Knockbacks carefully. These are one of your only defenses against Frenzied Midra’s damage.


Because Frenzied Midra is a glass cannon, you will need to stack as much ATK and MAT as you can. The shop is the best place to find the best weapons since most of the chests in the game are starting to fall behind in terms of stats.


For skills, you want to focus on dealing Sun damage. Rottie is great for this thanks to her love of Sun magic, and the various buffs she has access to that increase her Sun damage further.

Liliana is another great pick since she has the ever-useful Physilight. This skill can turn a one-hit kill into a two-hit kill, which is very nice. This is a fallback for when you run out of Invulnerability bugs.

Mai, being the main character, is also pretty handy in this fight. Her Glitch Attack grants her Invulnerability, so you can use this in a pinch to scrape out some extra turns of immortality.

Battle Strategy

Under no circumstances do you want to knock Frenzied Midra into Invulnerability bugs. This gives you two options – don’t use Knockback, or luring. Of the two, Luring is by far the best since you can maximize your damage per turn with Knockback and Knock Blow. Be sure to use Physilight and get ready to revive.

Once Frenzied Midra is in position, it’s simply a case of transforming and grabbing Invulnerability Bugs. Hit Frenzied Midra Sun attacks and DEF debuffs, and she should go down without much of a fight. If you can deal enough damage, and use your Invulnerability well, you can kill Frenzied Midra before she ever lands a real hit on your party.

If you fail to kill Frenzied Midra in time, then Physilight needs to be used to mitigate some damage. Just keep laying the smackdown and revive when needed. Make sure to avoid clumping together, and if your Corruption is about to drop, end your Glitch Mode with a Glitch attack.

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