Dislyte: The Best Espers For Spatial Tower 90

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  • What Will I Face At Spatial Tower Level 90?
  • How do I Beat Spatial Tower 90?

Dislyte has proved a popular addition to the already impressive cannon of mobile gacha-style games. It has a unique dystopian sci-fi story based around music, and the turn-based combat sees you build up your perfect team of heroes (called Espers) to battle a multitude of different enemies in a series of complex strategic challenges.

One popular challenge is the Spatial Tower, which you enter via the Trials area by clicking through to the Infinite Miracle. Spatial Tower is the first trial here, consisting of 100 levels that get progressively harder. You can change your squad between battles, but you may find yourself having to repeat the harder levels – 20, 30, and so on. 90 is no exception, but we know the best Espers to use to climb the floor.

What Will I Face At Spatial Tower Level 90?

It’s a three-wave battle, with all the enemy Espers you face being level 65. Wave one is Jiang Man, Sander, Lu Yi, Ye Suhua, and Unky Chai. But despite being quite strong on paper, they are slow off the mark and don’t really get going. If you can leave yourself Unky Chai and Ye Suhua, taking her out first, it should be slow but simple going.

Wave two is also relatively easy to get the jump on. You’ll face Anesidora, Lin Xiao, Catherine, Fabrice, and Mona. Be particularly careful of Catherine’s Stand Off ability which allows her colleagues to stay alive on 1HP, and Lin Xiao’s damage capability (Anesidora can also hit single targets pretty hard). If you take these guys out early, you should be able to pick the others off with relatively little effort while letting your stronger abilities recharge for wave three.

Again, wave three doesn’t come that fast out of the block, starting out around the 150 SPD mark. But you’ll be facing:

  • Sally (Purple): Largely considered the best all-round healer in the game, as she also dispels de-buffs while granting ATK Up to her squad.
  • Unas (Neutral): Damage based on SPD, which his abilities also grant him.
  • Sienna (Green): Reduces your AP and can stun, while adding SPD and ATK Up to all allies.
  • Biondina (Purple): Blocks and dispels buffs, while hitting real hard.
  • Tang Xuan (Green): All kinds of random nastiness via damage and de-buffs.

If allowed they will quickly gain SPD and ATK Up, which, if you can’t match it, is devastating – especially coupled with Sally’s big heals thrown into the mix. They’re a fast team that’s hard to kill, but that also punches you hard – a nasty combination.

How do I Beat Spatial Tower 90?

The simple answer is with a well-balanced squad of Espers with the right Relics to either fill the gaps in their style or maximise their strengths. What the third wave of Spatial Tower 90 offers by way of challenge is a well-balanced squad of opponents. Better it, and you will prevail. This isn’t like many of the Ritual or Sonic Miracle bosses, where a particular style needs to be adopted for victory. However, there are definitely ways to give yourself an advantage here.

Colour Matching

Note that wave three has two Green Espers and two Purple Espers, alongside a Neutral. So, for example, if you go heavy on Orange Espers and can take out Sally and Biondina quickly, you’re left with a complete mismatch in terms of damage versus an opponent with no healing abilities left in the tank. The Espers we mention below are largely easily accessible on a F2P account, so don't worry – any player can beat the Tower with a well-created squad of common heroes.


If you can’t be de-buffed, you’re removing half the threat of Biondina, Tang Xuan and Sienna with a single ability. Keep it up long enough to take them down, and you’re left with a mop-up operation. We’ve listed two of the best here, who are relatively easily available to all players.

  • Gabrielle: Her Rush attack is on a four to five-turn cooldown, but as long as you have her ascended to level three it grants Immunity and DEF Up to all allies, as well as landing a solid hit to all enemies. High speed increases her damage too, while Broadside has a chance to inflict DEF Down on each enemy. If she has a turn before the enemy you're starting on the right foot.
  • Chang Pu: While generally seen as inferior to Sally, Chang Pu is still a great healer – and much more readily available. Her Prayer of Renewal can be reduced to a three-turn cooldown – and it heals and gives Immunity to all allies for two turns. This is paired with a strong single target heal and a relatively good basic attack that can reduce AP.

Single Them Out

As you’re facing a strong squad that complements each other, you’re advised to take them down one at a time. We’d recommend at least two Espers who can give knock out blows on a relatively consistent basis.

  • Li Ling: A lot of players get him as their first legendary, and he works very well here – thanks in no small part to being an Orange Esper. This means he hits Sienna and Tang Juan hard, only really suffering if Biondina singles him out. Most importantly, his Tai Chi attack does devastating single-target damage.
  • Sander: Another Orange Esper that attacks a single target, but who you need to build around speed to maximise his damage. Sandstorm has a chance to reduce the targets AP and stuns the enemy, while corrosion gives him SPD Up and the enemy SPD Down. His basic attack has a strong chance to reduce the target’s AP.

Dispellers And Controllers

Speed and attack buffs are key to your opponent’s strategy here, while they’re strong on de-buffing you. So, roll with this, concentrating on taking their toys away rather than boosting your own squad. You can either de-buff them once they’re up or try to slow and stun them before they can act.

  • Biondina: There’s no harm in matching like with like, especially as your opponent is relying on buffing. As well as de-buffing enemies, she also does big damage versus those without any – so if it’s a strategy you’re using, she’ll compliment it in two ways.
  • Chloe: Counter-intuitive, as we’ve just suggested single-target damage – and Chloe goes off in random directions. But one of those hits is always the enemy you target, and all of her attacks either steal buffs or put buff blocker on the opponents.

We moved past Spatial Tower level 90 with a level 60 squad consisting of Li Ling, Chloe, Gabrielle, Dhalia and Chang Pu. Only Dhalia and Gabrielle had exceptional SPD (200+), but it did ensure we could get Immunity up in round one and refresh it in round three with Chang Pu – after which, some danger had passed. While we’d have like more single target damage, Chloe’s ability to steal buffs was a solid trade-off. Li Ling landed the big hits required to deal with Sienna and Tang Xuan early, leaving us with a full squad to take down the rest of their team.

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