Half-Life 2 Mod Unlocks Official 2003 Beta Levels

We've all been waiting so long for Half-Life 3 that even the smallest amount of unseen content from games in the series is a worthy enough cause for celebration, especially since there are plenty of things out there that we still don't know a lot about. For example, someone recently stripped down Eli and revealed that the character's model has a large portion of its torso and arms replaced with artifical components. This info isn't included in the game, but gives us an idea of the extent of his injuries.

Well, something else that never made it into Half-Life 2 has now been made available too as, thanks to a new mod, loads of levels from the game's 2003 beta have been made playable (thanks PCGamesN). Created by Cvoxalury and shared on ModDB, the Half-Life 2 2003 Storyline Plot gives players access to 50 different maps, each one included in the game's 2003 beta almost two decades ago. Better yet, these levels are made easily accessible via the Steam version of Half-Life 2, complete with chapter select.

The reason why Cvoxulary has decided to make this mod and have these levels readily available is apparently for "preservation and accessibility" and players should treat it "like a museum." As a result, they explain that these maps have not been remastered or overhauled, meaning what you're playing is how it was fully intended to be. They also explain that they've attempted to make the levels easier to play to avoid the "unpredictable beta jank."

In other recent Half-Life related news, some scrapped concept art for the mythical Half-Life 3 was recently released by 2K senior producer David McGreavy. He explains that the art comes from an unnamed Valve employee and shows off a variety of different locations that include deserts and rocky mountainous locations. It also includes an image of Breen Grub, the idea of which came from Epistle 3 written by the series' former lead writer Marc Laidlaw.

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