Icarus: How To Survive A Storm

Quick Links

  • Types Of Weather Events
  • Shelter During A Storm
  • Hollowing Out A Boulder
  • Keeping Warm
  • Sleeping The Storm Away

Storms can be quite deadly in Icarus. These forces of nature can tear down buildings, as well as inflict you with deadly status effects. In this guide, we are going to go over how to survive a storm, and what precautions you should take against mother nature.

It's important to know that regardless of the prospect you are on, you will encounter at least one type of storm. This can range from light rainstorms to deadly blizzards. First, let's take a look at every storm variation that you can come across in the game.

Types Of Weather Events

There are varying levels of severity for storms in each biome. Below, let's take a look at each of these weather events, and what they do.

Forest Weather

Within the forest, you will experience rainstorms. Rain can range from a light drizzle to intense lightning that causes structural damage. Below, you can see all the effects of rain, ranging from minor to extreme.

  • Slow movement speed when exposed
  • Lowered temperatures
  • Lightning
    • this causes fires
  • Damage to structures
  • Trees may fall from intense storm
  • Rain will also extinguish any existing fires as well as fill any containers meant for collecting water.

    Arctic Weather

    Arctic weather will happen in snowy biomes. Since it's colder in this biome, you will experience a variety of snowstorms instead of rain. Check out the effects of snow below, ranging from minor to extreme.

    • Lowered temperatures
    • Snow buildup
    • Damage to structures
    • Lightning
    • Trees may fall from heavy snow buildup

    Snowstorms can also increase your chances of getting hypothermia, this is a status effect that can be deadly if you don't have any heat sources available.

    Desert Weather

    Lastly, we have desert weather. In the desert, you will experience sandstorms. If you are exposed, these storms can damage you, as well as decrease your visibility. You can find the effects of a sandstorm below, ranging from minor to extreme.

    • Increased temperatures
    • Damage to players
    • Damage to structures
    • Trees may fall due to high winds

    Shelter During A Storm

    The most important step to take during a storm is to find shelter. This can be done by buildings a house or finding a cave to find refuge in.

    If you plan on making a shelter, be sure that it is sturdy. Thatch and wood structures are easily damaged during heavy storms, and can even catch on fire if lightning is present. Try to make your shelter out of stone or concrete; these are sturdy materials that are not destroyed easily.

    The best option for shelter during a storm is within a cave. Caves are sturdy; any severity of weather cannot destroy a cave. If you do choose to occupy a cave during a storm, be cautious of cave worms. These poison-spitting enemies lurk within dark caves and can be a bit difficult to deal with. For more information, be sure to check out our guide on how to kill cave worms.

    Damage From The Storm

    Because storms can cause damage, it's important to place objects in an area that is not exposed. This will keep the equipment safe while allowing you to use it during a storm. For example, if you keep a concrete furnace inside during a storm, you will still be able to use it without going outside.

    Severe storms can easily destroy and items or equipment that you have placed, so overall, try to keep important items inside.

    Hollowing Out A Boulder

    If there are no caves in sight, but you can see a large boulder, this can serve as your shelter. With a pickaxe in hand, head to a large boulder and start mining from the center.

    A crater will start to form in the center of the boulder; expand this hole until it can comfortably fit you, a campfire, and a bedroll.

    Keeping Warm

    Both rain and snowstorms can lower temperatures in the area. Because of this, you will want to have a heat source set up. As mentioned above, you can place a campfire within a boulder, but you can also place campfires within caves and building structures. Overall, you want to keep warm during a storm.

    Sleeping The Storm Away

    Lastly, with a bedroll, you will be able to sleep the storm away. Bedrolls allow you to sleep through the night, without facing the intense effects of a storm.

    If you choose this option, your bedroll needs to be near a heat source, and cannot be exposed to the elements. You can only sleep between 6 pm and 7 am, but if a storm is happening during the night, you can quickly make it disappear.

    That's all there is to know about surviving storms in Icarus! Overall, the main takeaway is that you need to seek shelter. Although you may think that you can brave a storm, you don't want to take the risk.

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