Kirby’s Dream Buffet: Shortcake Course Guide

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  • Cake Climb
  • Cookie Barriers
  • Flavor Variations
  • Final Stretch

Shortcake has more variants than most courses in Kirby's Dream Buffet. These different "flavors" introduce some dramatic changes to the track, especially in the middle and end sections. That means you never quite know what you're going to get on Shortcake until you see the color of the frosting!

With this guide, you'll know what to expect as soon as the random flavor becomes apparent. While your opponents are preparing for ramps that aren't there or worrying about an obstacle that isn't actually a threat, you'll be chomping strawberries and rolling over the finish line. Read on to find out how.

Cake Climb

The first leg of the course is a wide track with some small hills and few obstacles. Hop the hills and gather as many strawberries as you can until you reach the chocolate cake at the end, where the track splits in two. You'll need to take either the left or right ramp to climb the cake – if you miss, you'll need to roll back and climb the ramp without any momentum since the cake is too high to jump.

Try jumping just before you hit a hill – if you make it over the crest in a single leap, you'll land on the other side and roll downward to gain extra speed!

At the top of the ramps, look for narrow stacks of crackers going out over the right and left edges of the track. Take the time to collect the strawberries and fruits on one of these; the Cookie Wall immediately ahead will stall the other players long enough for you to make up any lost time.

Cookie Barriers

This section has several small moving Cookie Walls that can hinder players who aren't careful. While you can use Jelly to bypass them if you have it, the ability is much better used to ignore the large Cookie Wall halfway through the section.

If the track is chocolate-flavored, the Cookie Walls rotate in place. Otherwise, they move horizonatlly back and forth.

Flavor Variations

When the track turns ninety degrees, the next section is determined by the course's flavor. A chocolate track will have large moving slices of cake that are fairly easy to navigate, while the vanilla and mint flavors will offer ramps in the center. Using the ramps to jump the gaps is a useful shortcut, and yields several strawberries if you can pull it off.

About midway down the track is a narrow ramp right in the center. Climbing it and navigating the bridge beyond gives you the most direct route and some extra strawberries if you can manage it. This ramp is not present on the chocolate version of the course.

Final Stretch

The end of Shortcake is an all-out dash for the finish line. It's similar to the course's opening stretch, but has more obstacles. Use Wheel or Burn to pick up speed and outpace your opponents and get the first-place bonus, but beware of the gap right before the goal. Use the forks on either side to cross and claim the largest Strawberry Mountain!

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