Mass Effect Legendary Edition: How To Set Up Biotic Combos

Commander Shepard has many powerful abilities for disposing of their enemies in Mass Effect Legendary Edition, and these can be amplified via techniques called Biotic Combos.

We take a look at what biotic combos are, how to set them up and the different uses they have in Mass Effect 2 and 3.

What Is A Biotic Combo?

Certain people within the universe of Mass Effect have the ability to control energy fields around objects using “biotics.”

Combining specific biotic abilities together often creates a Biotic Combo which detonates the effect, resulting in a massive boost to damage and kinetic force.

Mass Effect 2 introduced a limited number of biotic combos, and Mass Effect 3 added several more.

What Are Biotic Abilities?

Biotic abilities can be broken up into two different categories: Primers and Detonators. Primers set up Biotic Combos by either putting the target into a suspended state that leaves them helpless or placing a biotic field around them.

It should be noted, that only unshielded enemies (indicated by a red health bar) can be placed in a suspended state.

Detonators do as their name implies, and detonate any primed targets, causing a huge biotic explosion or amplifying the detonator ability’s original effect.

Here’s a list of Primers and Detonators Shepard has:

Biotic Primers

  • Pull –  Pulls the target in the direction of the angle of impact. Best used on enemies behind cover.
  • Singularity – Sends a ball of dark energy out in front of you, drawing in enemies and causing them to float in the air.
  • Slam – Lifts an enemy up in the air before bringing them crashing back down with force.

Biotic Detonators

  • Shockwave – Sends pulses of biotic energy in front of you, launching targets in the air.
  • Throw – Pushes the target away from the angle of impact. Useful against enemies suspended in the air.
  • Warp – Places a mass effect field on the enemy, damaging targets and stopping health regeneration.

What Are Power Combos?

In Mass Effect 3, the combo system was expanded to allow combinations of biotic, tech, and combat powers, resulting in new effects that weren’t possible in previous entries in the franchise.

The combos cause can now cause cryo explosions, biotic explosions, fire explosions, and tech bursts, and can often be stacked for multiple effects.

It should be noted that there are other powers not listed here that will only combo if the correct power evolution is selected to support them, eg. Concussive shot with the evolution that fires the loaded ammo type.

Biotic Explosion Primers

Using any of these powers first will “prime” your target, setting them up for a Biotic Explosion.

  • Dark Channel – Plague an opponent with a persistent, damaging biotic field. Effect transfers to a second target if the first is killed.
  • Pull – Yank an opponent helplessly off the ground.
  • Reave – Drain a target’s health and disrupt their resistances, receiving increased damage protection while this power is in effect.
  • Singularity – Create a sphere of dark energy that traps and dangles enemies caught in its field.
  • Stasis – Stop an enemy in its tracks with this powerful mass effect field. No effect on armored targets.
  • Warp – Rip your enemy apart at the molecular level. Stop targeted enemy from regenerating health.

Biotic Explosion Detonators

Using any of these powers after the above-mentioned primers will trigger a biotic explosion.

  • Biotic Charge – Smash into a target while encased in this biotic barrier, leveling your opponents. You are invulnerable while this power is in effect.
  • Flare – Focus and expend all biotic energy to unleash a huge flare that throws enemies within its range, causing massive damage.
  • Lash – Latch this biotic field onto enemies to jerk them toward you, doing massive damage in the process.
  • Nova – Transfer the energy of your biotic barrier to charge and spark this deadly blast.
  • Reave – Drain a target’s health and disrupt their resistances, receiving increased damge protection while this power is in effect.
  • Shockwave – Topple a row of enemies with this cascading shockwave
  • Slam – Deal massive damage with a biotic body slam.
  • Throw – Toss your enemy through the air with this biotic blast.
  • Warp – Stop targeted enemy from regenerating health

Tech power combos can be primed and detonated by almost any combination of the powers listed below.

Tech Burst Primers

Using any of these powers first will prime your target with electrical energy, resulting in a Tech Burst when followed up with any detonator power.

  • Disruptor Ammo – Bring down your enemy’s barrier and shields. Chance to stun. More weapon damage, More damage to shields and barriers.
  • Energy Drain – Hit an enemy with this energy pulse to inflict damage and to steal barrier and shield power.
  • Overload – Overload electronics with this power surge, stunning your enemy. Effective against shields, barriers, and synthetics. Not as effective against organics.

Cryo Explosion Primers

Using these powers will freeze unshielded, unarmored enemies, priming them up for a Cryo Explosion when followed up by any detonator power.

  • Cryo Ammo – Equip your weapon with ammunition that can flash-freeze enemies, weakening their armor and stopping health regeneration.
  • Cryo Blast – Flash-freeze and shatter unprotected enemies. Slow down the rest. Weaken armor. Frozen targets won’t regenerate health.

Fire Explosion Primers

Using these powers will set your enemies on fire, priming them for a Fire Explosion when followed up by any detonator power.

  • Carnage – Rip a target into shreds with this vicious blast. It causes major collateral damage to enemies nearby. Effective against armor.
  • Incendiary Ammo – Shoot and your enemy will burst into flames. More weapon damage. Weaken armor. Chance to make an enemy panic.
  • Incinerate – Burn your opponents and incinerate their armor. Heavy Damage to health and armor. Stops health regeneration.

Universal Detonators

Using these powers after priming a target with any tech burst, cryo, or fire primer will cause an explosion of the respective element.

  • Biotic Charge – Smash into a target while encased in this biotic barrier, leveling your opponents. Invulnerable while this power is in effect.
  • Carnage – Rip a target into shreds with this vicious blast. Major collateral damage to enemies nearby. Effective against armor.
  • Cluster Grenade – Lob this biotic grenade cluster at your enemies and watch them fly.
  • Concussive Shot – Flatten you renemy with a precise blast at short or long range.
  • Energy Drain – Hit an enemy with this energy pulse to inflict damage and to steal barrier and shield power.
  • Flare – Focus and expend all biotic energy to unleash a huge flare that throws enemies within its range, causing massive damage.
  • Frag Grenade – Rip your enemies apart with this shrapnel-packed grenade
  • Incinerate – Burn your opponents and incinerate their armor. Heavy Damage to health and armor. Stops health regeneration.
  • Lash – Latch this biotic field onto enemies to jerk them toward you, doing massive damage in the process.
  • Nova – Transfer the energy of your biotic barrier to charge and spark this deadly blast.
  • Overload – Overload electronics with this power surge, stunning your enemy. Effective against shields, barriers, and synthetics. Not as effective against organics.
  • Reave – Drain a target’s health and disrupt their resistances, receiving increased damge protection while this power is in effect.
  • Slam – Deal massive damage with a biotic body slam.
  • Sticky Grenade – Stick this grenade to you ropponent and the explosion will tear apart the target and the shrapnel will damage other enemies caught in the blast.
  • Throw – Toss your enemy through the air with this biotic blast.
  • Warp – Stop targeted enemy from regenerating health.

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