Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous – How To Build A Rogue

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  • The Rogue – Character Creation
  • The Rogue Subclasses
  • Prestige Classes And Multi-Classing Options
  • The Best Rogue Builds

Role-playing games have grown and developed along with video games, so it's natural that plenty of tabletop RPGs have electronic counterparts. Pathfinder has come to computers and more recently, consoles in the form of Wrath of the Righteous. The previous installment in the video game series, Kingmaker, also used the rules from the Pathfinder universe.

There are plenty of classes to choose from in the Pathfinder universe, which is one of the ways the franchise sets itself apart from the competition. Along with some unique options that are only found in the franchise, players who are new to Pathfinder can choose a familiar class as well. Rogues in Pathfinder are similar to their counterparts that can be found elsewhere. They can pick locks and pockets, move quietly, and stay hidden in the shadows. They're one of the easiest classes to build and play as well as being the most versatile, so adventurers of all experience levels can have a great time building and playing a Rogue.

The Rogue – Character Creation

Ability Scores

The Rogues of Pathfinder generally all favor the same Ability Scores, but there are some differences depending on what Archetype and party role you choose. Some Rogues need certain skills and abilities in order to use specific weapons or magical devices like wands and scrolls.

  • Dexterity: Universally the most important Ability Score for the Rogue, this determines skills like Mobility and Athletics along with basic thieving abilities like Sneak and Pick Locks. In addition, it's tied to the damage of many of the Rogue's preferred weapons, such as bows and rapiers.
  • Intelligence: This score is only important for Rogues who have taken on some magical abilities as well as their usual class talents. This is true for certain subclasses and multi-class characters.
  • Constitution: If you're building a melee Rogue with few or no magical abilities, this score is more important than Intelligence. It gives your Rogue more hit points and allows them to be hardier and survive longer.
  • Strength: The higher this score, the more effective a Rogue's heavier melee weapons will be. More important for a melee build than a ranged one, in which weapons depend more on Dexterity than Strength.
  • Wisdom: This could be a dump stat or a venue to multi-class into a Cleric or Ranger, depending on the build. This is a handy score for Will saves, another important detail.
  • Charisma: Not at the bottom of the list because of its importance, since this stat has no other use for a Rogue outside its role-play value, but because it can be anything you want. Build a Rogue who's everyone's best friend and the party face, or a contract a rude and scruffy thug that nobody really likes.

Party Roles

Despite the fact that they are a versatile class when it comes to individual details, a Rogue is very much confined to the role of damage in an adventuring party if they don't multiclass. There aren't a lot of healers or defenders here. However, this can take on a wide variety of fun and interesting forms.

  • Ranged Damage. A Rogue can specialize in a variety of ranged weapons and be lethal with these alone. Another option is to combine this with magical abilities that also focus on ranged damage. Either choice can be an optimal build when combined with the right accessories and spells.
  • Melee Damage. The most common role for the Rogue in the party to assume when it comes to RPGs in general, the typical Rogue dual-wields and does as much physical damage as possible while the Defender holds the enemy's attention. A Rogue with magical abilities can also take on this role, as there are plenty of spells that need the target to be within reach of the caster.

Racial Choices

The various races in Pathfinder have racial bonuses and abilities that you can use to further customize your Rogue. These can include weapon proficiencies, cantrips, and certain innate or passive racial abilities.

  • Aasimar: There are seven choices for an Aasimar for a Heritage, and although this angelic race is more of the wise and charismatic type some choices include Dexterity and Intelligence. Each gets their own innate spell ability as well, a nice addition for a casting Rogue.
  • Dhampir: The undead of the racial choices in Pathfinder, they are known for their Strength and Charisma, but a few choices also offer Dexterity and Intelligence bonuses.
  • Dwarf: Although they tend to be Clerics or Fighters because of the buffs to Constitution and Wisdom, Dwarves also make excellent melee-damage Rogues. It also helps that they're instantly proficient in Dwarven weapons.
  • Elf: A Dexterity and Intelligence buff make an Elf the ideal choice for a ranged build that also deals magical damage. This race is proficient with ranged weapons like bows and has better Perception and resistance to magical effects.
  • Gnome: A good start with a +2 bonus to Constitution and other handy abilities like Keen Senses, they also have resistance to and a natural affinity for Illusion magic. Build a melee or ranged Rogue by starting with a hardy Gnome.
  • Half-Elf: A nice combination of Human and Elf abilities, including a +2 bonus to the ability score of your choice, magical resistance, and improved Perception.
  • Half-Orc: Ideal for a melee Rogue with innate abilities like Orc Ferocity and Orc Weapon Familiarity, this would be more of a rough and dangerous Rogue build than a friendly one.
  • Halfling: Dexterous and charismatic, but taking a Strength penalty, a Halfling rogue is better in a ranged role than a melee one. Other benefits include Halfling Luck, a +2 to every saving throw, and Fearless, an Initiative bonus.
  • Human: One of the most popular races in virtually any RPG because of their versatility, Humans not only get a +2 to any Ability Score but also an extra Skill and an extra Feat. That means you can give your Rogue another unique skill like extra weapon skills or the ability to use magical items.
  • Kitsune: There are only two Kitsune Heritage choices, and they simply swap out Charisma or Intelligence, but both get a Dexterity buff. That, coupled with Keen Senses and a bonus to mobility checks, make this race a good choice for roads.
  • Oread: Strong but not agile, the Oread are better as melee damage dealers than ranged ones. The Ironsoul actually gets a penalty to Dexterity, something a Rogue wants to avoid.
  • Tiefling: There are 11 choices for Tiefling Heritage choices, and many of them include Dexterity, Intelligence, or both. They also have a variety of innate casting abilities at hand, like Blindness, Hideous Laughter, and Frigid Touch.

The Rogue Subclasses

The Rogue is one of the few class choices in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous that has different requirements for Ability Scores depending on the class. The character creation process in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous helps to guide the player through this process. Look for the green "thumbs up" symbol next to the most important abilities scores for your subclass.

  • Eldritch Scoundrel. The Rogue-Wizard combination is so popular that this Archetype was created to take care of it for you. Woljif, one of the Companions in the game, is an Eldritch Scoundrel, and he's one of the most powerful in the group.
  • Knife Master. The name says it all, and it doesn't just stop with conventional knives but extends to virtually any small, one-handed weapon with piercing damage. This subclass gets a typical Rogue sneak attack, Sneak Stab.
  • Master Of All. One of the few subclasses with a racial requirement, only Half-Eves can be a Master-Of-All. These Rogues have Bardic skills and sneak attacks.
  • Rowdy. This is the kind of Rogue that takes odd jobs as a bouncer or bodyguard. They specialize in physical or touch attacks at close range.
  • Thug. This Rogue doesn't pick the lock, they smash it. There's no finesse with this brutish Rogue, who has a much higher Persuasion skill than others and can use it to intimidate their foes.
  • Underground Chemist. How do you refer to the person in the group who always has a handy supply of pharmaceuticals on hand? This Rogue has what you need, whether it be explosives, potions, or tinctures.

Prestige Classes And Multi-Classing Options

There are some prerequisites before you can multi-class your character. Your Rogue should have a Dexterity of at least 13. In order to multiclass, they need to have an Ability Score of at least 13 in the most important ability score of the target class. The following are just a few examples, but with a total of 25 classes, it's easier to be creative.

Regular Classes

  • Alchemist. As the name implies, this is the class that specializes in potions, tinctures, and other creative concoctions. A Rogue with a ranged build can make explosives to augment their DPS capabilities when they combine with an Alchemist.
  • Bard. A Rogue that wants some extra spellcasting and maybe even some healing abilities can combine with a Rogue, provided their Charisma score is high enough.
  • Cavalier. One way to get better weapon and armor proficiencies along with a handy mount, a Cavalier can fit a ranged or melee build.
  • Fighter. The only combination more popular than the Rogue-Wizard is the Fighter-Rogue. This is one way to give a Fighter skills like Sense Traps and Lockpick, while a Rogue gets better weapons and armor.
  • Slayer. Very much a refined version of the Rogue class to begin with, a Slayer is more of a targeted hunter or assassin than a pickpocket or a scoundrel. An example of a typical Slayer is your companion Greybor, a Stoic and practical mercenary with a dual-weapon and Stealth proficiency.

Prestige Classes

  • Arcane Trickster. A progression choice that could be tailored to the Rogue with a basic spell knowledge, Bards and Druids also take advantage of this Prestige Class.
  • Assassin. It's just what it sounds like – with only a few requirements that include Stealth and an Evil moral alignment, one of the most accessible. Assassins gain access to situationally useful poisons and are a great RP choice.
  • Eldritch Knight. A natural progression for Rogues that focus on their spellcasting abilities, any class that is able to cast level three spells can become Eldritch Knights.
  • Dragon Disciple. Depending on their race or archetype, a Rogue might have the ability to spontaneously cast a few spells, which means they can become a Dragon Disciple. This prestige class is even more useful if your Rogue uses heavier melee weapons.

The Best Rogue Builds

Close-Range Killer

  • Party Role: Melee damage
  • Ideal Race: Dwarf or Dhampir, both for the Strength and Constitution bonuses.
  • Best Subclass: Rowdy or Knife Master
  • Important Ability Scores: Constitution is this Rogue's most important score after Dexterity. This Rogue focuses on speed, stealth, and physical damage. Intelligence isn't much of a factor here, and this particular build can ignore it.

The Sneaky Wizard

  • Party Role: Melee, but an even combination of physical and magical damage.
  • Ideal Race: Gnome or Halfling, since both have extra stealth and Perception abilities.
  • Best Subclass: Eldritch Scoundrel
  • Important Ability Scores: Intelligence is just as crucial as Dexterity for this part-Rogue part-Wizard and needs to be able to pass Knowledge checks, memorize spells, and use magical devices.

Savage Sniper

  • Party Role: Ranged damage, both physical and magical.
  • Ideal Race: Half-Elf.
  • Best Subclass: Master Of All
  • Important Ability Scores: Dexterity is the main ability score for this build. It covers the Rogue's proficiency with certain ranged weapons and gives their spells a better hit rating.

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