Pokemon Arceus: Is Giratina Evil?

There are plenty of mysterious Pokemon in the series, but none may be as interesting as Giratina. The legendary Pokemon was introduced in Generation IV and is a member of the creation trio alongside Dialga and Palkia. While Dialga and Palkia are seen in a positive light by the Pokemon world, the same cannot be said for Giratina.

Giratina has been called the devil by members of the Pokemon community, but is the legendary Pokemon actually as evil as everyone believes? There’s a lot more to Giratina than you think, so the answer to that question may surprise you.

Origin Story

Giratina was created by Arceus alongside Dialga and Palkia. Dialga was given power over time, Palkia was given power over space and Giratina was given power over antimatter. As we know, time and space have a relationship with one another and need each other to exist, but what about antimatter? Well, since Dialga and Palkia focused on time and space, two things that involved matter, it was Giratina who focused on everything else.

Antimatter is essentially the opposite of matter in that it has the opposite electric charge. Matter is composed of protons, neutrons and electrons while antimatter is composed of antiprotons, antineutrons and positrons. It was Giratina’s role to keep the world balanced, and it used its power over antimatter to do just that.

Out of the three members of the creation trio, Giratina was said to be the biggest troublemaker. It caused lots of problems for Dialga and Palkia, constantly interfering in their affairs and trying to pin them against each other. For this reason, Arceus banished the Pokemon to the Distortion World, a place Giratina still calls home to this day. At first, Giratina held a grudge against its creator and did everything in its power to make the work of Arceus as difficult as possible.

A Dark Past

The Distortion World is where Giratina came into its own. Giratina is said to be able to travel through and control dimensions outside of time and space. In the Distortion World and other dimensions, Giratina would stay in its Origin Form. Only in the Pokemon world does it stay in its Altered Form due to the gravity change. Giratina is capable of turning itself into a shadow and merging the Distortion World with the Pokemon world. In fact, some say Giratina can be just as powerful as its creator, Arceus, under certain conditions.

In Hisuian times, Giratina manipulated the Pokemon world from the Distortion World, creating a space-time rift. This rift caused massive changes in the Pokemon world at the time. Dialga and Palkia spiraled out of control and both Alpha Pokemon and Noble Pokemon started to appear. The player character in Pokemon Legends: Arceus eventually finds a way to quell the two Legendary Pokemon, calming down Pokemon all across the world. That being said, the space-time rift hasn’t been closed for good, meaning Giratina still has some power over the Pokemon world despite Dialga and Palkia coming to their senses.

Playing The Part

All of this may make it seem like Giratina is inherently evil, but that might not actually be the case. We’ve seen two instances where Giratina actually played the role of a hero as opposed to a villain.

In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, Giratina stops Cyrus, the boss of Team Galactic, from using the Red Chain to make Dialga and Palkia create a new world. Giratina freed Dialga and Palkia, and dragged Cyrus with it into the Distortion World. Whether Giratina did this to save Dialga and Palkia or to protect the Distortion World remains to be seen, but it’s a valiant act nonetheless.

Later, in the anime, we learn that Giratina does indeed have a gentle side. While it may have seemed like the Pokemon was just creating chaos, Giratina was silently watching the world grow from its Distortion World the whole time. Giratina would eventually become a protector of the world.

Giratina believes it did what needed to be done to keep the world balanced. Where there is good, there is also evil. Even if it didn’t want to, Giratina had to play the part of a villain to keep the world balanced. It had to be the devil to Arceus’ angel and, in doing so, has helped shape the Pokemon world into what it has become today.

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