Pokemon Unite Build Guide: Charizard

Quick Links

  • When To Pick Charizard
  • Charizard: Damage Build
  • Charizard: Beefy Build
  • Charizard: Stats

An all-rounder in everything, Charizard is a useful ally to have in Pokemon Unite. It’s easy to play and master thanks to a kit that’s pretty point-and-click, and its stats trend in the middle of the pack. One of the original three starters, you’ll have a lot of joy playing offensively.

The downside is that Charizard is pretty easily locked down and dominated. There’s not a lot of survivability, and it can be a slow Pokemon to get going. However, if played patiently while picking and choosing skirmishes with common sense, it’ll be one of the stronger on the roster — but that’s a big if. Rash players beware.

When To Pick Charizard

Charizard is the Pokemon you turn to when your team needs that bit of shock-and-awe, something that can turn the tide of a skirmish or help secure an objective. Plenty of damage, ramped up further by Charizard’s excellent natural critical rate.

More of a bruiser than anything else, Charizard is best suited to team comps that have a healer for survival potential. Eldegoss is a great option, while Wigglytuff offers a counter-balance that could prove to be a great lane pairing for scoring and pushing. It’s also strong in the jungle, for decent all-round gank potential.

Charizard: Damage Build

This build is all about dealing as much damage as you can to the enemy team, and perhaps carrying your own team from the frontline. Ganks will be strong if you’re playing in the jungle, and if you’re laning alongside a good support, you should be able to control the lane relatively quickly.

  • Flamethrower
  • Fire Blast

Enemies will be fearful of Flamethrower, a great move for forcing them backwards while debuffing their attack. Fire Blast decimates enemies, especially if they’re bottlenecked in an area they can’t escape in a hurry, leaving enemy carries susceptible to the immense Seismic Slam.

Charizard has a fantastic natural critical rate, topping 30 percent at level 9, so you’ll want to add to that with your items. Scope Lens is a must for that reason, while Muscle Band will add to the damage you’ll deal. Buddy Barrier is always a strong choice, While Focus Band will add a little survivability. Eject Button is standard, but if you’re facing a CC-heavy team then pick up Full Heal.

Charizard: Beefy Build

This is one is for when your team already has too many glass cannons and needs a Pokemon that can still mete out damage, but also adds a little survivability to things. You can flex this in lane or through the middle, but it should still prove an effective choice.

  • Fire Punch
  • Flare Blitz

Fire Punch is a great engage tool and one you can use to defend goals or protect teammates. It shoves the target back and applies a damage-over-time burn. Flare Blitz is a gap closer and a knockback, but it also has the added benefit of shielding you and slowing the enemy at higher levels. Again, Seismic Slam should be reserved for enemy carries.

You’ll want to pick up more balanced items for this build, such as the Buddy Barrier and Score Shield. As your job is to play a more frontline scorer, you’ll need the protection. Focus Band is another ideal survival tool, while the Eject Button offers an escape tool for when you need it most.

Charizard: Stats

Level HP Attack Def Sp. Attack Sp. Def Crit Rate % CDR % Lifesteal %
1 3200 161 70 20 54 0 0 0
2 3264 165 74 21 57 0 0 0
3 3341 170 79 23 61 0 0 0
4 3434 175 85 25 65 0 0 0
5 3771 199 106 32 81 15 0 5
6 3905 208 114 35 87 15 0 5
7 4066 219 124 38 95 15 0 5
8 4259 232 136 42 104 15 0 5
9 4941 278 178 56 137 30 0 10
10 5219 297 195 62 150 30 0 10
11 5553 319 216 69 166 30 0 10
12 5953 346 241 77 185 30 0 10
13 6433 378 271 87 208 30 0 15
14 7009 417 307 99 236 30 0 15
15 7700 463 350 114 269 30 0 15

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