Silent Hill: The Short Message Key Art And Plot Details Leaked

The plot synopsis and key art for Silent Hill: The Short Message has been leaked by the same Taiwanese rating board that gave it an age rating earlier today.

Before Konami pulled back the curtain on what it had planned for Silent Hill this October, a rating was spotted for a title called Silent Hill: The Short Message, which was believed to be a short PT-esque demo for an upcoming game in the series. Although it was predicted to be announced at the showcase, it was a no-show, leading fans to believe that it had been cancelled.

That was proven not to be true earlier today when an age rating for the game popped up on a Taiwanese rating board, revealing that it was coming to the PS5. That Taiwanese rating board has now uploaded a plot synopsis and piece of key art for the game, confirming that it's related to Project Sakura, a title that was leaked earlier in the year and said to take place in Britain.

The plot synopsis and key art were shared by AestheticGamer, who has previously reported on several Silent Hill leaks, on Twitter. The key art shows an environment that looks remarkably similar to the Project Sakura leak, including the writing on the wall that resembles post-it notes. The listing also reveals that Konami itself is developing the game, rather than it being outsourced to another developer.

The plot description for the game says, "Anita came to an abandoned apartment to meet her friend Maya, and somehow woke up to find herself trapped in it. She must escape her own fears and the monsters lurking in the corridors, discover the truth behind the events she's trapped in, and try to escape before her own trauma consumes her will to survive."

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