Smartphone at Lectures: Punish or Encourage Using It?

It’s probably hard to find someone who doesn’t have a mobile phone. Some teachers sound the alarm and insist on the law banning a cell phone at lectures. Is a mobile phone really a problem? Is it really necessary to punish students during the lecture for using such a convenient, modern information and communication tool? Or maybe the teacher should tell students how to use gadgets as learning tools? Whether students need help on their math homework, essay samples, guides for writing papers, and other material, they can get it using their mobile. As an illustration, visit and get more information on how do they assist on your math homework. Let’s discuss if there are benefits of using mobile technology for lecturers.

How to Use a Smartphone with Educational Purposes?


Let’s talk about the advantages of modern gadgets. Everyone is familiar with the free app for smartphones, the WhatsApp program. This kind of online communication enhances educational potential. Using the WhatsApp application, all the members of the group can post text and audio recommendations, videos from lessons and changes, a photo report on the completed projects, plan the learning process, and discuss issues.

Luc de Clopier Vovenargue said: “Almost all-important things people do by correspondence; therefore, speaking is not enough.” A modern student is well versed in gadgets. He/she appreciates the set of features that a modern device has. Focus the student’s attention on using a mobile device right in the lesson, to show its capabilities and usefulness.

Today, almost every school and college teacher uses an interactive whiteboard in the work, demonstrating tables, charts, algorithms with its help. Using a cell phone, you can create an electronic directory. Students take pictures of useful information and keep them in separate folders for subjects. Very often, when studying new material, you need to remember a whole chain of actions. This happens as follows: the teacher shows the pattern, and the students individually or frontally – repeat it. But at home, they forget about this algorithm of work and call for help from their parents or custom academic helpers. In fact, using a feature such as a video or audio recording of an algorithm may come in handy. This is an indispensable help to the student. Also, students can write down their answers at the blackboard to self-evaluate their performance. In addition, cell phones can be a good tool for taking notes. By installing an app for taking notes, students can draw diagrams, tables and graphs easily using their cell phones.

5 Reasons Why the Ban on Cell Phones at Lecturers Is Unreasonable

A famous American teacher Michael Soskil encourages you to think about the rules that prohibit the use of smartphones at lecturers.

This should be encouraged, not considered “fraud.” The policy of banning cell phones is short-sighted. When the children threw cribs to each other, no one was going to ban the paper.

Students should understand that mobile technology will accompany them for many decades, and if not done right, can harm them. Dangers and traps using mobile devices do not go away. What do you think of using technologies such as mobile phones as a learning tools during a lecture in a classroom, will it benefit them or no. Please feel free the pros and cons of this using the comment section below.

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