Story Of Seasons: Pioneers Of Olive Town – Reina Romance Guide

Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town is the latest in the popular farming/life-sim franchise, allowing players to build their own little farm, grow crops, upgrade their house and farm buildings, and raise cattle, to name just a few of the things you can do. You can also marry certain characters by raising your Friendship Level with them.

You can do this by speaking with your chosen character every day and giving them gifts. Each time a heart fills on their Friendship gauge, you can trigger a special heart scene by going to a set location. One of the bachelorettes you can marry is Reina, who works in the museum. For everything you need to know about where to find Reina, the best gifts to give her, and where to view her Heart Scenes, we’ve got it all covered right here.

Reina’s Location and Preferences

Known Locations: Museum, Town Square, Playground

Gift Preferences:

  • Favorite: Lemon
  • Loves: Treasure items such as Fulgurite or Arthurite
  • Likes: Orange, Orange Jam, Glass

Any of the jewelry items sold in the General Store are always well received.

Reina’s Heart Scenes

Once you have filled each heart in your Friendship Level gauge, you can trigger a Heart Scene by going to a specific location or giving a specific item.

We won’t spoil the contents of each Heart Scene for you, but just point you in the right direction. Some scenes contain dialogue choices with the chance of increasing your Friendship Level further.

If you are already in the location for the scene when you fill the heart, such as already in the Flower Shop, you may need to leave and then re-enter in order to trigger the scene, or leave Olive Town entirely and then re-enter. Additionally, sometimes you have to wait until the next day in order to trigger the scene or give the confession/proposal item.

One Heart

  • Location: Museum
  • Time: Daytime

Two Hearts

  • Location: Museum
  • Time: Daytime

Three Hearts

  • Location: Museum
  • Time: Daytime

Four Hearts

  • Location: Museum
  • Time: Daytime

Five Hearts

  • Location: Olive Museum
  • Time: Daytime

Six Hearts (Confession)

  • Location: Anywhere, you just need to gift her a Confession Pendant (available from the General Store)
  • Time: Anytime

Seven Hearts

  • Location: Museum
  • Time: Daytime

Eight Hearts

  • Location: Your farm (when you exit your house)
  • Time: Daytime

Nine Hearts

  • Location: Museum
  • Time: Afternoon

Ten Hearts (Proposal)

  • Location: Anywhere, you just need to gift her a Blue Feather (available from the General Store)
  • Time: Anytime

Next: Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town Complete Guide And Walkthrough

  • Guides
  • Story Of Seasons
  • Pioneers of Olive Town

Meg appreciates gaming on all formats but primarily spends her time achievement hunting to the extreme. Her passion for gaming began as a child when first introduced to the Amstrad.

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