Tony Todd Seems To Have Started Motion Capture For Spider-Man 2

Tony Todd seems to have started motion capture work on Spider-Man 2.

One of the biggest surprises of Sony's most recent PS5 showcase was that Insomniac is already working on Spider-Man 2. Not only that, but it's also adapting Spidey's biggest villain, Venom, and having him voiced and motion-captured by legendary Candyman actor Tony Todd. Todd has previously given us a brief glimpse of how his Venom will sound, but he might have just also updated us on how Spider-Man 2 is progressing.

The other day, Todd tweeted "Early riser. #Mocap time", which many took to be referencing Spider-Man 2. In case there was any doubt about that, Todd started to like and retweet comments that were referencing Venom within the replies, which almost confirms that's what he's currently up to.

Interestingly, if this is in reference to Spider-Man 2, then it's our first hint that Todd will be motion capturing the role, as well as voicing it. When PlayStation announced that Tony Todd would be playing Venom, it said, "We’re so happy to announce that Tony Todd (of Candyman fame) will be voicing the symbiote-fuelled Venom in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2", which doesn't reference the motion capture side of the role.

It's not clear if Tony Todd has only just started motion capture on the project, or if it's just another day of the process. Some fans have expressed concern that the project is still only on motion capture when it's currently aiming for release in 2023, but there's no real way of telling how far along Insomniac is in the project.

This isn't the first Insomniac project that has started motion capture over the past few weeks. At the end of April, Mike Yosh, the Lead Animator on Insomniac's Wolverine game, shared a photo that implied that motion capture on that project was starting soon also, so it looks like the studios' two teams are working in sync pretty closely.

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