Yakuza Fan Is Turning Like A Dragon Into A Brawler

Yakuza: Like A Dragon's turn-based combat certainly isn't for everyone. There are plenty of Yakuza fans out there that would have much preferred the series to stick to its traditional brawler combat that helped propel it into mainstream popularity. That means there are a certain number of Yakuza fans out there pining for what could have been, but one fan has taken it upon themselves to show us.

First noticed by Redditor jack-468, a Yakuza fan that goes by name Jhrino has been steadily uploading videos to their YouTube channel, showing off their progress in turning Yakuza: Like A Dragon into a full-blown brawler. Obviously, it's nowhere near the quality of the earlier Yakuza titles, but it's an impressive accomplishment for a solo modder even if combat looks a little janky at the moment.

One of the more impressive videos on Jhrino's channel shows off Ichiban's fight with Captain Sawashiro during his first visit back to Kamurocho after being imprisoned. Jhrino looks to have taken Kaito's Brawler combat style from the Yakuza spinoff series Judgment and applied it to Ichiban, and the video below even has Ichiban grabbing and throwing Sawashiro. It's a pretty impressive change and gives us a little glimpse at what Yakuza: Like A Dragon could have been like had the series not switched to turn-based combat.

For those that don't really like the turn-based fighting, I'm afraid it's here to stay as Yakuza 8 will undoubtedly star Ichiban once again. In fact, we got our very first look at Yakuza 8 earlier this month thanks to Famitsu. It was only a few screenshots of returning characters Yu Nanba, Koichi Adachi, and Ichiban himself, but the latter seems to have ditched the fro and is rocking a new look.

If you fancy experiencing Yakuza's real-time combat glory days, you'll be pleased to know that every Yakuza game in the series is headed to the new PlayStation Plus service over the course of the rest of the year. That means all of you who are yet to play a Yakuza title now have zero excuses not to do so.

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