The Yakuza franchise has its collection of powerful protagonists, and with the addition of Takayuki Yagami, the group keeps growing. Judgment is a spin-off title from the Yakuza franchise, exploring Yagami’s lawful past and change of pace for the disgraced lawyer as a detective. However, to those unfamiliar with the franchise, the protagonists might all […]
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I Didn’t Even Like Persona 5; So Why Did I Miss Cafe Leblanc?
Persona 5 somehow ended up being in my most played PS4 games in both 2019 and 2020, even though I only played it once. That’s because of how ridiculously long it is, so when I started it in November 2019 or so, I racked up enough hours for it to creep into my top three […]
So, Why Didn’t They Just Use A Phoenix Down On Aerith?
Final Fantasy VII has the most iconic death scene in video game history. There were characters who permanently died before Aerith Gainsborough, including in the Final Fantasy series, but none of them had anywhere near the impact of that fateful moment when Sephiroth took Aerith’s life. The problem with Aerith’s death scene is that the party members have […]