A Doom from Boom helps Vikin.gg secure a magnificent victory over OG

Having only won a single series so far at the EPIC League
Division 1 event, OG were hoping to take down Vikin.gg today – but the Team
Secret killers were more than prepared as they took the top spot in the group
stage of the event.

Vikin.gg were showing off some amazing skills at the EPIC League
so far, having demolished Team Secret a few days ago, alongside wins over Team
Liquid and mudgolems. Today would see another massive test for the squad, just one
day prior to the team’s formation, as they took on OG – where victory would see
them moving to the top of the round robin group stage rankings.

Going into the series we witnessed what would be the downfall
of OG in game one with Miroslav “BOOM”
Bičan picking up a middle lane DOOM. Ending the game at an unkillable 10-0-17,
crushing the OG lineup beneath him, BOOM pulled his team to take the lead in
the series in only 23-minutes, as OG were unable to do anything to fight

Game two seemed far better for OG as they managed to take
control of the early game and build up a sizeable net worth lead – nearly 15,000
by the 25-minute mark. However, Vikin.gg were not about to give up and begun to
force out some massive mistakes from their opponents, leaving OG to ponder
their next move. Their next move would be to make more mistakes as Vikin.gg
turned everything around, destroying OG in every follow-up team fight and securing
an amazing 2-0 victory over the two-time TI winners.

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With the win, Vikin.gg continue their unstoppable group
stage run at the EPIC League Division 1 event, moving into first place, while
OG struggle in eighth place. Vikin.gg’s next opponent will be Alliance
tomorrow, a team struggling to find their footing recently, while OG will have
a day break before going up against Natus Vincere on Sunday, November 22nd.
The action from EPIC League continues today with Just Error taking on Nigma
before Secret fight Team Liquid.

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